2.6 Employer vs Employee (HL) Flashcards
Who negotiates the conditions of employment?
✓ Employee and employer representatives act on behalf of employees and employers in negotiations.
Collective bargaining?
✓ The situation when the management team and workers have representatives who negotiate on the terms and conditions of employment is called collective bargaining.
✓ Workers deliberately work less efficiently than they can.
✓ Employees follow every rule and regulation exactly, which often means slowing down or disruption of production.
Overtime ban?
✓ Employees refuse to work any more than their contracted hours.
✓ Workers refuse to work and may also protest outside their workplace.
What tools may use Employers in negotiations?
Employers may negotiate by:
✓ making threats of redundancies or
✓ changing the terms of employees contracts.
This would put pressure on workers and might persuade them to agree to a settlement.
✓ Closing the business for a short time, preventing employees from working and being paid.
Potential sources of conflict?
✓ Change, ✓ differing interests or values, ✓ external factors such as the economy, ✓ poor communication and ✓ poor performance.
Methods to resolve an industrial dispute?
Conflicts can be resolved through: ✓ conciliation and arbitration, ✓ industrial democracy, ✓ no-strike agreements, and ✓ single-union agreements.
Purpose of HR strategy in this case?
Successful organizations use their HR strategy to manage employees through the process of change.
Conciliation and arbitration.
Sometimes the employer and employee representatives will seek help from a third party to resolve a dispute.
4 forms of employee participation and industrial democracy?
- Workers’ control over industry, perhaps linked with workers’ ownership of the means of production, as with producer cooperatives.
- Appointment of worker or trade union representatives to company boards or governing bodies.
- Trade unions negotiate with managers.
- Managers retain all responsibility for decisions but make arrangements to consult employee representatives before changes are introduced.
No-strike agreement?
A trade union has agreed not to undertake industrial action if some actions are undertaken.
Single-union agreement
Where one union is recognized as the only representative of employees.
This situation saves managers the difculties of negotiating with several unions and reduces competition between the unions to get a higher pay increase than rival unions.
Stages of HR strategy/plan of change management?
- Develop a vision of the change process and outcomes
- Forecast and allocate resources
- Involve employees in the earlier stages
- Communicate to stakeholders regularly (reporting problems or implementation dips are encouraged)
- Trainings
- Clear communication of the first benefits of change
- Support employees throughout the change