2.4 Managing the Marketing Effort and Marketing Return on Investment Flashcards
In addition to being good at the marketing in marketing management, what must companies also pay attention to?
In addition to being good at the marketing in marketing management, companies also need to pay attention to the management.
What are the 5 marketing management functions of managing?
Managing the marketing process requires the five marketing management functions shown in Figure 2.6—
Figure 2.6 Managing Marketing: Analysis, Planning, Implementation, and Control
What does managing the markiting function begin with?
Managing the marketing function begins with a complete analysis of the company’s situation. The marketer should conduct a SWOT analysis
Definition of SWOT analysis
SWOT analysis:
An overall evaluation of the company’s
Strengths (S) - internal capabilities, resources, and positive situational factors that may help the company serve its customers and achieve its objectives.
Weaknesses (W) - internal limitations and negative situational factors that may interfere with the company’s performance.
Opportunities (O) - favourable factors or trends in the external environment that the company may be able to exploit to its advantage.
Threats (T) - unfavourable external factors or trends that may present challenges to performance.
Figure 2.7 SWOT Analysis: Strengths (S), Weaknesses (W), Opportunities (O), and Threats (T)
What is the goal of SWOT analysis?
The goal is to match the company’s strengths to attractive opportunities in the environment while simultaneously eliminating or overcoming the weaknesses and minimizing the threats.
What does Marketing planning involve?
Marketing planning involves choosing marketing strategies that will help the company attain its overall strategic objectives.
A detailed marketing plan is needed for each business, product, or brand.
What does a Marketing Plan begin with?
The plan begins with an executive summary that quickly reviews major assessments, goals, and recommendations.
What does the main section of a marketing plan present?
The main section of the plan presents a detailed SWOT analysis of the current marketing situation as well as potential threats and opportunities.
After the SWOT analysys, what comes next in a marketing plan?
The plan next states major objectives for the brand and outlines the specifics of a marketing strategy for achieving them.
What is the Excutive summary of a marketing plan?
Executive summary
Presents a brief summary of the main goals and recommendations of the plan for management review, helping top management find the plan’s major points quickly.
What is the “Current marketing situation” part of the Marketing plan?
Describes the target market and the company’s position in it, including information about the market, product performance, competition, and distribution. This section includes the following:
- Marketing description
- Product Review
- Review of Competition
- Review of Distribution
What is a Market description?
A market description defines the market and major segments and then reviews customer needs and factors in the marketing environment that may affect customer purchasing.
What is a Product review?
A product review shows sales, prices, and gross margins of the major products in the product line.
What is a review of competition?
A review of competition identifies major competitors and assesses their market positions and strategies for product quality, pricing, distribution, and promotion.
What is a review of distribution?
A review of distribution evaluates recent sales trends and other developments in major distribution channels.
What is the Threats and opportunities analysis?
Threats and opportunities analysis
Assesses major threats and opportunities that the product might face, helping management to anticipate important positive or negative developments that might have an impact on the firm and its strategies.
What does the Objectives and issues portion of a Marketing plan involve?
Objectives and issues
States the marketing objectives that the company would like to attain during the plan’s term and discusses key issues that will affect their attainment.
What does the Marketing strategy portion of the Marketing plan involve?
Marketing strategy
Outlines the broad marketing logic by which the business unit hopes to engage customers, create customer value, and build customer relationships, plus the specifics of target markets, positioning, and marketing expenditure levels.
How will the company create value for customers in order to capture value from customers in return?
This section also outlines specific strategies for each marketing mix element and explains how each responds to the threats, opportunities, and critical issues spelled out earlier in the plan.
What is the Action Program portion of the Marketing Plan?
Action programs
Spells out how marketing strategies will be turned into specific action programs that answer the following questions: What will be done? When will it be done? Who will do it? How much will it cost?
What is the Budget portion of the Marketing plan?
Details a supporting marketing budget that is essentially a projected profit-and-loss statement.
It shows expected revenues and expected costs of production, distribution, and marketing. The difference is the projected profit.
The budget becomes the basis for materials buying, production scheduling, personnel planning, and marketing operations.
What is the Controls portion of the Marketing plan?
Outlines the controls that will be used to monitor progress, allow management to review implementation results, and spot products that are not meeting their goals.
It includes measures of return on marketing investment.
Defintion of Marketing implementation
Marketing implementation:
Turning marketing strategies and plans into marketing actions to accomplish strategic marketing objectives.
Whereas marketing planning addresses the what and why of marketing activities, implementation addresses the who, where, when, and how.
What are some of the different kinds of marketing specialists?
- Product and market managers,
- Sales managers and salespeople,
- Market researchers, and
- Advertising and social media experts,
among others.
What is the position that leads a marketing department?
To head up such large marketing organizations, many companies have now created a chief marketing officer (or CMO) position.
This person heads up the company’s entire marketing operation and represents marketing on the company’s top management team.
The CMO position puts marketing on equal footing with other “C-level” executives, such as the chief operating officer (COO) and the chief financial officer (CFO).
As a member of top management, the CMO’s role is to champion the customer’s cause.
What are some different names for a CMO?
Many companies call their top marketer the
“Chief Customer Experience Officer” or the
“Chief Customer Value Officer.”
Modern marketing departments can be arranged in several ways.
What are some of them?
- Functional organization
- Geographic organization
- Product management organization
- Market or customer management organization
What does the functional organization look like?
The most common form of marketing organization is the functional organization, under which different marketing activities are headed by a functional specialist—a sales manager, an advertising manager, a marketing research manager, a customer service manager, or a new product manager
What is geographic organization?
A company that sells across the country or internationally often uses a geographic organization, assigning sales and marketing people to specific countries, regions, and districts.
What is Product management organization?
Companies with many very different products or brands often create a product management organization.
What is market or customer management organzation?
For companies that sell one product line to many different types of markets and customers who have different needs and preferences, a market or customer management organization might be best.
In reality, do comanies only use one type of organization method?
Large companies that produce many different products flowing into many different geographic and customer markets usually employ some combination of the functional, geographic, product, and market organization forms.
What are more and more companies shifting their brand management focus towards?
Marketing organization has become an increasingly important issue in recent years. More and more, companies are shifting their brand management focus toward customer management—moving away from managing only product or brand profitability and toward managing customer profitability and customer equity.
Defintion of Marketing control
Marketing control:
Setting specific marketing goals, and then measuring and evaluating the results of marketing strategies and plans and taking corrective action to ensure that the objectives are achieved.
What are the four steps of Marketing control?
Management first sets specific marketing goals.
It then measures its performance in the marketplace and evaluates the causes of any differences between expected and actual performance.
Finally, management takes corrective action to close the gaps between goals and performance. This may require changing the action programs or even changing the goals.
What does Operating control involve?
Operating control involves checking ongoing performance against the annual plan and taking corrective action when necessary.
Its purpose is to ensure that the company achieves the sales, profits, and other goals set out in its annual plan.
It also involves determining the profitability of different products, territories, markets, and channels.
What does Strategic control involve?
Strategic control involves looking at whether the company’s basic strategies are well matched to its opportunities.
Marketing strategies and programs can quickly become outdated, and each company should periodically reassess its overall approach to the marketplace.
What is a big difference in how marketing managers must carry out their work in todays organizations?
Marketing managers must ensure that their marketing dollars are being well spent. In the past, many marketers spent freely on big, expensive marketing programs and flashy advertising campaigns, often without thinking carefully about the financial returns on their spending. Their goal was often a general one—to “build brands and consumer preference.”
However, those free-spending days have been replaced by a new era of marketing measurement and accountability. More than ever, today’s marketers are being held accountable for linking their strategies and tactics to measurable marketing performance outcomes.
Definition of Marketing return on investment (Marketing ROI)
Marketing return on investment (marketing ROI):
The net return from a marketing investment divided by the costs of the marketing investment.
What are the R and the I in ROI measured in?
In measuring financial ROI, both the R and the I are uniformly measured in dollars.
How can a company assess marketing ROI?
A company can assess marketing ROI in terms of standard marketing performance measures, such as brand awareness, sales, or market share.
What is a marketing dashboard?
marketing dashboards—meaningful sets of marketing performance measures in a single display used to monitor strategic marketing performance.
Beyond standard proformance measures, what are marketeres using to measure ROI?
Increasingly, however, beyond standard performance measures, marketers are using customer-centred measures of marketing impact, such as
Customer acquisition,
Customer engagement,
Customer experience,
Customer retention,
Customer lifetime value
Customer equity.
These measures capture not only current marketing performance but also future performance resulting from stronger customer relationships.
Figure 2.8 Marketing Return on Investment