23B amygdala, hippocampal and limbic Flashcards
Limbic lobe surrounds….
Limbic System consists of circuits concerned with…
lateral ventricles
Limbic system refers to circuits concerned with emotion (Amygdala- frontal part of temporal lobe) and cognitive function (hippocampus)
Amygdala is located where
Anterior part of temporal lobe
Functions of the amygdala and its nuclei
- olfaction
- emotions
- autonomic
- learning and memory
Three main groups of amygdaloid nuclei
- Corticomedial- The olfactory part
- Central: principal output nucleus; striatum like in structure, important for autonomic control
- Basolateral- principal input nucleus
Major inputs to the corticomedial nuclei are from
olfactory bulb, parabrachial nucleus (taste), Medial dorsal, ventromedial thalamus
Primary output of the corticomedial uceli
Central nucleus receives its major inputs from where
basolateral nuceli of the amygdala and from the hypothalamus
Principal output of the central nucleus is
brainstem and hypothalamus
Main functions of the central nucleus…KNOW
autonomic control (BP, HR)
subjective experience
Amygdala is crucial for regulating
emotional and social behavior
Bilateral amygdala lesions=
in a monkey
- hypersexual
- tame
- Hyperphagia if Basolateral nucleus is lesioned, Hypophagia if the central nucleus is lesioned
Central—starve yourself
Animals with bilateral amygdaloid lesions are extremely oral- they put everything in their mouth
Bilateral loss of the anterior temporal lobe (amygdala) is called
Kluver Bucy syndrome
Kluver Bucy symptoms
Rare in human pts
- hypersexual
- hyper oral
- tame
- hyperphagia
- hyperactive
- psychic blindness (don’t recognize the emotional content of facial expressions)
Urbech Wiethe?
Calcifications in neural tissue in the anterior temporal lobes… LIterally cannot recognize fear. Can’t recognize a scared face, can’t draw fear, hav eno idea what it really is. Prevents them from acting appropriately around others
Which part of the brain is the executor of fear?
Amygdala (esp basolateral )
Learning and memories
basolateral nucleus
Principal cell type of the Central Nucleus is
medium spiny GABAergic