2.3 (evaluation) Flashcards
what is the strengths of the functionalist (Durkeim)?
• recognises positive functions of crime
Eg: uniting people against a crime/criminal
what is the limitations of functionalist (durkeim)?
• he says society needs a certain amount of crime to function but does not say what is the right amount
• positive function but does not apply to victim
what is the strengths of functionalist (merton)?
• shows how both normal and deviant behaviour arise from the same goals
eg: conformist and innovators pursue money success by different means
• most crime is property crime as society values wealth
• working class crimes rates are higher as less opportunities to obtain wealth
what are the limitations of functionalist (Merton)?
• he ignores crime of wealthy and over products the amount of working class crimes
• he sees deviance as individual response, ignoring group deviance (delinquent subcultures)
• Merton focuses on utilitarian crimes (eg: theft)
• ignores group crime
• stereotypes
• not all crimes by the working class
what is the strength of subcultural theory?
• shows subculture perform a function by offering solutions to the problem of failing to achieve mainstream goals
• Cloward and Ohlin shows how different types of neighbourhood give rise to different illegitimate opportunities and different subcultures
what are the limitations of the subculture theory?
• ignored crimes of wealthy and overpredicts amount of working class commit crimes
• everyone starts with mainstream goals however some don’t share those goals they may be attracted to crime not just because of the subculture
what are the strengths of interactionist and labelling?
• shows the law is not fixed set of rules to be take for granted but something whose construction need to explain
• shifts focus onto now police create crime by applying labels based on stereotypes of typical criminals
• attempts that control deviance can trigger a deviance amplification spiral
what are the limitation of interactionist and labelling?
• if wrongfully implies that once someone is labelled as deviant career is inevitable
• gives offender a victim status
• doesn’t explain the deviance happening in the first place
what is the strengths of the marxist theory?
• shows how poverty and inequality can lead people to crime
• highlights the impact of selective law enforcement and how WCC is under police
what is the limitations of the marxist theory?
• ignores other factors such as gender and ethnicity
• not all capitalist societies high crime rates
what is the strengths of the left realism?
• shows the importance of poverty, relative deprivation and inequality on the under lying structure causes of crime
• highlights multiple causes of crime
what are the limitations of left realism?
• over predicts the amount of WC crimes not everyone who experiences relative deprivation and marginalisation turns or crime
• focus on high crime inner city are as gives an unrepresentative view
what are the strengths of right realism?
• Feldman found people made rational decisions if the reward were high and risks low they said the crime was worth commiting
• Explain crime such as theft
what are the limitations of right realism?
• ignored the increasing gap between rich and poor creating resentment
• too really accepts crime statistics, fail to explain crime is WCC, focus on males