2.1.2 External Finance Flashcards
External finance
Investment for the business that is obtained from; banks investors and lender outside of the business
Source of finance
This is where the finance has come from - a bank (external or internal)
Method of finance
This is the use of a finance or what it would be suitable for - loan to buy computer equipment for a firm
What are the external sources of finance for a business?
Family and friends Banks Peer-to-peer funding Business angels Crowd funding other businesses
Family and friends
Private limited companies are able to raise finance by selling shares to friends or family
-may find that family want to contribute to the business for interest, a share of the profits or maybe an interest free loan amongst family
Family and friend advantages
- Loans from family and friends will probably be offered without the need for security and at lower rates and over longer terms than traditional lenders
- Unlikely to need a business plan which means the owner may not need to write one
- this can be quicker and cheaper to arrange -flexible
Family and friends disadvantages
- May cause tension and problems if the finance is not repaid or the business does not flourish
- may also demand their money back at short notice
Banks may lend a loan to a business to start-up or when a business wants to grow and expand
-may also provide a business with an overdraft to help when they have cash flow problems
Bank advantages
- Banks will lend to a business without asking for a % of the ownership
- Banks will allow the business owner to continue running the business their own way and not intruders, owner retains control of business
Banks disadvantages
- Bank loans can be expensive compared to other sources of finance and interest must be paid back on time
- it may be hard for a new business owner to obtain a loam as they have no historical sales data to show the bank
- The owner may need use their own assets as security for their loan - their house
Peer to peer funding
Lending marketplaces such as Funding Circle have gained the trust of consumers by offering lower rates than banks to business owners who want to borrow money
-matches businesses that need finance with investors who are looking for a good return on their investment
Peer to peer funding advantages
- Businesses can get access to funding within a week once approved
- Business owners can apply online
- Investors can expect returns of 6-7% whereas a savings account might only give them 3%
Peer to peer funding disadvantages
- Peer to peer loans are classified as private business loans, so the money for the loan comes from several investors or small businesses.
- If there are not enough individuals interested or willing to invest in your loan, you may not be able to acquire the entire amount that the business needs
Business angels
- An Angel investor offers to lend their personal disposable finance, take shares in the business in return for providing finance
- Angels normally seek to not only provide the business with money to grow, but also bring their experience and knowledge to help the company achieve success
- Usually smaller loan amounts than a venture capitalist
Business angels advantages
- Angels are free to make investment decisions quickly
- The owner gets access to your investor’s sector knowledge and contacts
- The owner gets access to angels mentoring or management skills
- The owner will have no repayments or interest on the money lent
Business angels disadvantages
- Not suitable for investments below £10,000 or more than £500,000
- Owner needs to give up a share of the business - dilution of ownership
Crowdfunding - what is it and the 3 different ways?
Crowd funding is where a large number of people fund a project over the internet making small investments each, 3 ways to fund:
- Donate: no money back, but rewards like tickets or a newsletter
- Lend: get money back with interest and satisfaction of contributing to success of a small business
- Invest: Invest in a business in exchange for equity or shares which may increase in value
Crowdfunding advantages
- Good alternative to loans for small business owners
- Finance can be obtained without paying upfront fees
- The business can generate funds and also promote the business at the same time
Crowdfunding disadvantages
- The business will need to show case their idea to investors and may need to put together a video and other promotional material to attract investors
- may take a long time
- ideas could be stolen
Other businesses
Some large Multi-national businesses are willing to invest in innovative start up
Methods of finance examples
loans share capital venture capital overdrafts leasing trade credit grants
-provides a long term finance for a start up with the bank stating the fixed period the loan is provided , the rate of interest and amount of repayments, money that is borrows from the bank
Banks will lend to small business but may not lend when they first start-up as there is no track record or history of them making money.
Loans advantages
- As the loan is fixed for a certain length of time the business owner can plan ahead and knows exactly what the repayments will be and when they will leave the bank account
- Banks will not ask for a % of the business or get involved in the running of the business
- Getting into a high street bank to apply for a business loan is a straightforward process
Loans disadvantages
- A bank will charge interest on the loan
- Not very flexible, the business may incur a penalty if they decide to settle the loan early
- A bank will ask for security or collateral on a loan this may be a house or another asset that can be seized if the loan is not paid back
Share capital
In a public limited company – plc - one that has been floated on the stock market - they can raise more finance to expand by having an ordinary share issue
-Finance raised from the selling of shares
Share capital advantages
- Investors are often prepared to provide extra funding as the business grows
- More cost effective way to raise finance than a loan – no interest to pay back
- Finance is based on acquiring more equity rather getting further into debt
Venture capital
Provision of finance from professional investors in return for equity usually or could be loans. Riskier projects are often financed this way
-The VC will look for a high rate of return in a specific time period.
Venture capital advantages
- Useful if the business is looking to raise a large amount of money in a short space of time e.g. £1 million
- The business gets all the skills of the venture capital business, their network and links may increase revenue streams
- Great for owners who have been refused a loan from a bank
Venture capital disadvantages
- Venture capital firms look for a strong business plan, sound management and a proven track record, making it difficult for start-up firms
- Venture capital firms typically want 20-30% stake in the business
A facility provided by a bank where depositors can go into a negative balance in the bank account
- An overdraft may be organised by the bank which is short term lending of smaller amounts of money
- Once its arranged (say £2,000) on an account a business can dip into it or pay it back as they see fit
Overdraft advantages
-For a business owner this would idea as a quick fix method to tide the business over a difficult month of trading
-An overdraft can be arranged on the phone
or online with an instant decision from the bank
-The business will only pay interest on the amount of money that they are overdrawn
-As soon as the business improves trading they can easily pay back the overdraft to the bank and the interest charges will stop
Overdraft disadvantages
- If the business goes over this amount the overdraft will be “unauthorised” and the business will be charged heavily
- Very expensive source of finance, very high charges and interest rates
- Not suitable for large amounts over a long period of time
When an asset is rented rather than purchased
- As a business grows it may decide that it needs some more vehicles or equipment
- They may decide to lease so that the equipment can be updated regularly and spread the cost
- They will never own the equipment but will get the option to change it when it wears out
Leasing advantages
- This is a lower monthly costs for a business owner than a loan
- Often business leases can be arranged without any advanced fees being paid
- The leasing firm maintain the equipment, vans, cars etc. so the business will always have reliable working equipment
Leasing disadvantages
- Leasing is often over a fixed term, if the business changes its mind and wants to lease from a different company, contracts may be difficult to get out of
- Expensive in the long run, early termination fees
Trade credit
When a business is able to buy now and pay later for its supplies
Trade credit advantages
- Business can sell the goods before the stock needs to be paid for, so can make a profit before the costs have to be paid
- No interest has to be paid on trade credit
- Businesses that pay regularly on time can build relationships with their suppliers and secure better deals
Trade credit disadvantages
- Not all stock is available to buy using the trade credit method, so only applies to certain industries
- If the business does not pay in time they risk being refused further credit by the supplier in the future
Money given by the government or local council to businesses who are making a positive difference in the community
- The UK government provides financial help to businesses in some areas of the country, in an effort to overcome problems of unemployment.
- Government grants do not normally have to be repaid and owners keep full control of their business.
Grants advantages
- The business usually will not have to pay the grant back
- Unlike a loan there will be no interest to pay
- The business owner will get funds without any loss of control of the business
Grants disadvantages
- A business will have to find a grant that suits their specific project, which can be difficult
- There’s a lot of competition for grants
- The business may be expected to match the funds they are awarded, eg a grant might cover part of the cost of a project
- Grants are usually awarded for proposed projects, not ones that have already started
- The application process can be time-consuming