210M: Quick Keys Flashcards
What is the shortcut to identify beat?
Cmd I
What is the key command shortcut for import session data?
Option shift I
What is the keyboard command shortcut for selecting all tracks?
Cmd A
How can monitoring of all tracks be enabled?
Option cmd click on track input button
How can certain tracks be TrackPunch enabled?
Control click on the record enable buttons of tracks.
Which button on the numerical keypad is used for QuickPunch?
Describe three ways of enabling dynamic Transport.
Options>dynamic transport
Control cmd p
Right click on play button in transport window and select dynamic transport
How can a clip be separated?
Cmd e
Keyboard command focus B
How can a clip be moved and maintain its timing?(example - moving a playlist to the active playlist track)
Hold control while dragging or time-lock the clip (shift T)
How can a clip be rated?
Cmd ctrl option and then type number from 1-5
How can monitoring of all selected tracks be enabled?
Option shift click on selected tracks’ track input button
How can the score be printed?
Cmd p
How can the midi editor window be opened?
Control =
Describe the various methods available for opening the score setup window.
Control option =
Right click on track > open score editor
Window>score editor
How can the beat detective window be opened?
Cmd 8 on the numerical keypad
Event operations>beat detective
What are beat triggers? What tool would you use to edit beat triggers?
Identified peak transients. Grabber tool. Options click to delete. Cmd click to promote a beat trigger.
How can clips be consolidated using beat detective?
Option shift 3
How can you trim to the boundary of the next clip?
Hold control
How can a tempo curve be selected?
Triple click (grabber or selector) between the two tempo lines.
What is the keyboard shortcut for displaying the window configuration list?
Cmd option j
How can you recall window configuration 2 using the numerical keypad?
. (2) *
Describe two ways to activate the replace clip command. What modifier(s) would you hold to use the drag drop method?
Cmd shift drag drop onto clip that is to be replaced
Select clip, right click, replace clip
What is the key command for write to all enabled?
Option cmd /