210M: 04: Advanced MIDI Productions Flashcards
How can you set which MIDI track is affected by the pencil tool in a MIDI editor?
By selecting the track in the track list column within the midi editor window.
Or use the track selector in the midi edit toolbar.
What are some differences between Targeted and unTargeted MIDI editor windows?
UnTargeted midi editor windows allow multiple windows to be open.
Selection in targeted window reflects selection in edit window.
Keyboard commands apply to targeted window.
What is the difference between opening the midi editor from the view menu and from the window menu?
Opening the midi editor via the view menu opens a docked midi editor within the edit window.
What are the two views available for displaying tracks in the notes pane of the MIDI editor?
Piano roll view, notation view.
What is groove quantize? What are groove templates?
Quantizes according to a groove template.
Groove templates map the rhythmic and dynamic variations within a performance.
When can restore performance be used to undo changes made to a MIDI performance? When can’t it be used?
Allows undo of standard quantize, groove quantize, change duration, change velocity, or change pitch commands.
Restore performance cannot undo edits, cuts, pastes, or manually moved notes.
What is the difference between track-based real-time properties and clip-based real time properties?
Track-based affects the whole track, clip-based is applied only to specified clip(s).
What is the main difference in the way notation is displayed in the score editor compared to the notation view in the midi editor?
The score editor displays pages.
How can you set which kind of staff a track is transcribed to in the score editor?
Double click on clef in staff
Right click on score editor>notation display track settings
From the track list popup menu in the score editor, select notation display track settings.
What happens to the MIDI data in a track if you edit it in the score editor?
It is changed to correspond with the score.
Describe the various methods available for opening the score setup window.
Control option =
Right click on track > open score editor
Window>score editor
How can the midi editor window be opened?
Control =
How can the score be printed?
Cmd p