110: 04: Recording MIDI and Audio Flashcards
Describe three ways to set the pre and post roll values. What modifier do you use to set pre and post roll in a track playlist?
It the transport window:
View>transport>expanded type amount and then press / on the numerical keypad to move to post.
In a playlist:
Timeline and edit selections must be linked. (Options)
Create a selection with the selector tool. Option click before and after. To disable: option click in the first half of the selection, option click in the second half.
In the time base ruler:
Drag flags, option drag to have the same amount of pre and post roll.
To enable from the options menu: options> pre post roll
Describe three different ways to make a selection for recording.
Using a memory selection, with link timeline and edit selection enabled.
Using the timeline selection in and out points
Using a grabber tool and selecting clip(s)
What menu would you use tho display conductor rulers, such as meter and tempo? How can you display rulers without using a main menu?
View> rulers
Click the ruler view selector in the edit window
What are the default meter and tempo for all pro tools sessions?
4/4 and 120bpm
What modifier key would you hold while clicking on a ruler to add a meter or tempo change to your session?
Control click
What main menu would you use to access the tempo operations window? What is the purpose of the linear page in the tempo operations window?
Event> tempo operations
What is the purpose of the note, velocity, and duration fields for accented and unaccounted notes in the click/countoff dialog box? When would you need to set these options?
Customizes the click sound. Used to signify different beats in a measure when recording.
What is the name of the feature that let’s you use a midi controller to enter notes individually, one step at a time? Do tracks need to be record-enabled to use this feature?
Step input. No
Event>events operations>step input
How do you enable loop recording for audio? What are the two ways to record midi while looping?
Options> loop record or Option L or right click record button.
To record midi: mid merge or record multiple takes
How do you access the alternate takes list? How can you restrict, or filter, the results displayed in the alternate takes list?
Cmd click or right click> matches.
Can memory locations have markers and selections?
No. One or the other.
What happens when shift-clicking a memory location that includes a selection on a different track or on the timeline only?
The resulting selection will be moved to that track or to the timeline, respectively.
How can you maintain a selection length while moving the timeline selection point?
Hold option while dragging in or out point.
How can you quickly move through different time bases for pre and post roll?
Use period or left right arrows.
What are the linear page default options?
Selection start and end
Tempo start and end
Preserve tempo after selection
What are the linear page advanced options?
Calculate Selection start and end Alternate start and end Tempo start and end Resolution Density
What does “follow metronome click” in the resolution pop up menu do?
Mirrors the click value set in the meter. Follows changes as well.
How can a tempo map be generated?
Using the identify beat command or beat detective.
What are the options in the step input menu?
Destination track
Step increment
What is the step increment section used for?
Specifying spacing, duration, tuplet
What is the options section in step input controls used for?
Use input velocity
Set velocity to
Enable numerical keypad shortcuts
What can midi triggers be used for?
Undo step, redo step, next step
What are the numerical keypad shortcuts for step input?
Pg 95
How can a different midi or instrument track be be record-enabled on the fly?
Cmd up down to enable the next or previous adjacent midi or instrument track.
What are match criteria?
Track Id, track name, clip rating
What time stamps may be used to select clip matches?
All, clip start, clip start and end, within selection, none.