210M: 02: Tracking and Overdubbing Flashcards
What effect does Dynamic Transport mode have on the link timeline and edit selection setting?
Disables it
Can you reposition the Dynamic Transport Play Start Marker during playback?
Describe three ways of enabling dynamic Transport.
Options>dynamic transport
Control cmd p
Right click on play button in transport window and select dynamic transport
Which input mode lets you monitor live input on tracks that are not record-enabled?
Input only mode
How many running punches does QuickPunch mode allow per record take?
What are some advantages of using QuickPunch mode for recording? What are the potential disadvantages?
On the fly recording, discontinuous clips recorded in a single pass, capture all incoming material
Extra free voices required for all record-enabled tracks when in quick punch, slight pause when starting playback, playback looping unavailable
What is the primary difference between QuickPunch mode and TrackPunch mode?
Trackpunch works for individual tracks
How can you display Playlists in lanes in he Edit window?
Track view selector> playlists
When recording to automatically created playlists, where does the last take reside?
In the main playlist
What are the different ways to rate a clip?
Right click and rate
Control option cmd then type number on the numerical keypad
To rate a part, separate selection (b in keyboard command focus) or cmd e, then rate
How can monitoring of all tracks be enabled?
Option cmd click on track input button
How can monitoring of all selected tracks be enabled?
Option shift click on selected tracks’ track input button
Which button on the numerical keypad is used for QuickPunch?
How can certain tracks be TrackPunch enabled?
Control click on the record enable buttons of tracks.
How can a clip be moved and maintain its timing?(example - moving a playlist to the active playlist track)
Hold control while dragging or time-lock the clip (shift T)
How can a clip be separated?
Cmd e
Keyboard command focus B
How can a clip be rated?
Cmd ctrl option and then type number from 1-5