210M: All Flashcards
How would you import Mix and Edit Groups to use with track templates?
File>import>session data
Track data - select mix/edit groups
What is the shortcut to identify beat?
Cmd I
What modifier would you hold to add a Meter Change by clicking on the Meter ruler?
When might you want to use the Time Operations window rather than the Meter Change window to insert a meter change?
To select specific realign options.
What condition would cause the Identify Beat command to be grayed out in the Event menu?
Manual tempo mode (conductor button deselected)
What is the default meter applied to Pro Tools sessions?
What is the key command shortcut for import session data?
Option shift I
What is MIDI Beat Clock? How many pulses does it provide per quarter note?
Synchronizing signal. 24 pulses per quarter note.
True or False: Manually dragging the session Song Start Marker to a new location will affect the timing of all data and clips on both tick-based and sample-based tracks.
Describe two ways to change a song’s start time.
Drag the song start marker
Event>time operations>operations window
Move song start
What is the purpose of the Identify Beat command?
Matches session tempo to an audio loop.
What is the keyboard command shortcut for selecting all tracks?
Cmd A
What are some advantages of routing the audio from your hardware MIDI instruments through Pro Tools?
Record midi performances as audio
Use plugins to process audio from a midi device
Use automation
Mixer settings stored and recalled
Describe the 4 basic windows media codecs.
Windows media audio 9.2 - 192kbps, 44.1/48k 16 bit
Windows media audio 10 professional - up to 440kbps 24 96k support
Windows media audio 9 voice - low sample rate and data rate - up to 20 Kbps - for speech
Windows media audio 9.2 lossless - no audio compression, up to 96K sample rate data compression of 2:1 or 3:1
What types of systems support exporting MP3 files (Mac/Windows)? What types support WMA exports?
Mp3 - both
WMA - windows only
Why might you want to mirror the stereo mix going to Outputs 1 and 2 onto Outputs 3 and 4?
To send the final mix to more than one device.
What automation playlists are affected by the write to all enabled command? Is the effect limited to automation playlists that are currently writing automation?
Writes current settings of all automation parameters within the current edit selection, except for parameter types that are disabled in the edit window.
Why might you want to set up MIDI Beat Clock offsets?
Allows fine tuning if synchronization between pro tools and beat clock slaves, adjusting for fixed latencies.
What colour is used to display trim automation playlists?
What automation playlists are affected by the write to current command?
Writes to displayed selection (only one parameter), only to tracks that contain edit selection
What are some situations where you might use trim automation?
Trimming automation without overwriting an existing volume automation pass.
What are the advantages of using Auto Preview mode compared to Auto Suspend?
Allows experimentation without fighting with current automion or writing. Also inhibits changes to automation graphs of unautomated parameters on write-enabled tracks, which is not the case when simply suspending automation.
Describe the effect on timing of recording MIDI while Automatic Delay Compensation is active. How does pro tools address the associated issues?
The recorded MIDI will be late. Pro tools automatically adjusts recorded midi after each recording pass to compensate.
Name three ways to create a MIDI offset.
Setup>preferences> global midi playback offset.
Event>midi track offsets
Use real time properties
What is the key command for write to all enabled?
Option cmd /
What are the main differences between the Write commands found in the Automation window and the ones in the edit>automation menu?
Automation window:
Dedicated button cluster on d command and control
Write to currently writing/isolated parameters
With within the timeline selection on all tracks
Not active if automation suspended
Will only write to tracks in a write, latch, touch, or touch-latch mode
Edit menu:
Soft key section on d control and command
Write to displayed parameters/all parameters
Write within the edit selection and only to tracks that contain the edit selection
Can still write when automation suspended
Will write to track selections even if the track is in Off or Read mode
What does coalescing trim automation do?
Combines trim with previous automation.
How many window configurations total can protools store in a session? How can they be shared with other sessions?
- They can be shared by using import session data.
What are some of the options for fitting a clip when using the replace clip command?
Replacement clip length
Original clip length
Selection length
Why might you want to duplicate a playlist? How would you do so?
To non-destructively experiment with existing playlist data. Display the playlist and then select duplicate from the drop down menu.
When copying and pasting across tracks in a session, why is it important to include the rulers in your selection? Why isn’t this a consideration when using the cut time and insert time operations?
I order for markers, etc to shuffle accordingly. Otherwise they may become out of sync.
How would you go about creating a snapshot of all open windows in your session, including their sizes and locations? Which
window cannot be included?
Open the window configuration list (cmd option j) or window>configurations>window configuration list
Select new configuration
(On the numerical keypad press . (1-99) +
Select window layout or a specific window from the drop down menu
Click ok to save
The window configurations window cannot be linked.
Describe two ways to activate the replace clip command. What modifier(s) would you hold to use the drag drop method?
Cmd shift drag drop onto clip that is to be replaced
Select clip, selected replace clip from the clips list column drop down menu.
How can you recall window configuration 2 using the numerical keypad?
. (2) *
What are the trigger threshold sliders used for in soundreplacer? Why are there three?
They set the level for triggering the three replacement audio file.
I order to rearrange loops ex. Drums
What is the keyboard shortcut for displaying the window configuration list?
Cmd option j
Discuss some considerations for cross fading clip groups.
Fades apply only to audio clips
It is possible to crossfade between clip groups and ungrouped audio clips.
How many different edit playlists can you have on an audio track? How many different playlists can you have of a given type (such as volume automation)?
Limited to RAM
Limited to one automation lane per automation type per track
Describe the process of linking a window configuration to a memory location.
Edit a memory location or create a new one
Check window configurations box
Describe two different methods to display the graphic tempo editor.
Click the expand/collapse triangle on the tempo ruler nameplate
View>rulers>tempo rulers
Can the tempo ruler display tempo events and bar|beat markers simultaneously? Explain.
No. Tempo events are sample-based and beats|bars markers are tick based. Only one can be displayed at a time.
What function does the advanced checkbox have in the tempo operations window? What function does the calculate pop-up menu offer?
Selection range changes to the main time scale format and additional options become available.
What pencil shapes can you use to edit tempo? Which shapes are unavailable for editing tempo?
All except triangle, square, and random.
What happens to existing tempo events when you change the tempo ruler display to bar|beat markers?
All existing tempo events will be converted to beats|bars markers.
How can a tempo curve be selected?
Triple click (grabber or selector) between the two tempo lines.
What are the six tempo operations pages?
Most ant Linear Parabolic S-curve Scale Stretch
What is the difference between linear sample display mode and linear tick display mode? How does the display mode affect pro tools’ scroll speed during playback?
In linear sample display, tempo changes affect tick based tracks, in linear tick display, only sample based tracks are affected.
What is the graphic tempo editor and when would you use it?
Tempo events can be dragged
Draw continuous events
Trim tool can be used to scale tempo events
Tempo events can be copied, pasted, nudged, and shifted
What types of tracks are NOT affected by key change events?
Tracks that are not pitched. Change in edit selector.
Describe three ways to use the trim tool to adjust a range of tempo events in the tempo editor.
Make selection then select rim tool. Then,
Click within the selected area and drag up or down to scale
Click the start or end handle and drag to create a linear tempo change
Click either boundary and drag to compress or expand the tempo change
Describe the differences in the ways tempo events and bar|beat markers affect tempo.
Tempo events
Cause tempo changes to occur
Place the tempo change at a new bar when moved
Causes tick-based items to the right to shrink or expand.
Bar|beat markers
Do not cause tempo changes unless bordered by other markers
Remain at the same location when moved
Cause bars on either side to shrink and expand when moved.
In the fade editor window, how do you enable the black squares on the fade graphs that allow you to create a custom cross fade?
Set the link option to none
What are some examples of operations that you can perform “on-the-fly” during playback?
Make and edit selections Capture, separate, loop, trim clips Place, spot, rearrange clips Add fades or cross fades Transpose, quantize, etc MIDI Nudge Audition different playlists Adjust or scale automation data Process audio with an audiosuite plugin Process audio with elastic audio
How can clips be consolidated using beat detective?
Option shift 3
What would cause a cross fade to produce a noticeable drop in volume across the fade? What can you do to correct the problem?
If they are out of phase - correct by adjusting the fade curve. Change to equal power.
Describe some options for chord recognition when using beat detective in a midi analysis workflow.
Last note First note Loudest note Average location Highest note Lowest note
How can the beat detective window be opened?
Cmd 8 on the numerical keypad
Event operations>beat detective
Why is it generally a good idea to Duplicate an audio file before editing the waveform with the pencil tool?
Because it is destructive and there are only 32 levels of undo.
What are the five operation modes in beat detective? Which can be use for both audio and midi material? Which can be used for audio only?
Bar|beat marker generation Groove template extraction Clip separation (audio only) Clip conform (audio only) Edit smoothing (audio only)
What are beat triggers? What tool would you use to edit beat triggers?
Identified peak transients. Grabber tool. Options click to delete. Cmd click to promote a beat trigger.
When editing multitrack drums, why should you make sure the same edits are applied to all tracks at once?
To maintain phase
Can you think of any disadvantages of only using the kick and snare when conforming drums with beat detective?
Anything between the kick and snare doesn’t get analyzed ex: hi hats.
What are the seven main steps involved in using beat detective to clean up a drum performance?
Defining the selection
Detecting transients (identifying beat triggers)
Editing beat triggers
Separating clips
Conforming clips with beat detective
Smoothing edits with beat detective (optional)
Consolidating clips after debit smoothing (optional)
What are the steps that you would use to create bar|beat markers based upon beat detective’s analysis of a drum loop?
Mark transients, correct errant beat triggers, then:
Select the bar|beat marker generator radio button in the operation section of the beat detective window
Click the generate button
Choose either preserve tick position or preserve sample position
How can you trim to the boundary of the next clip?
Hold control
How can you set which MIDI track is affected by the pencil tool in a MIDI editor?
By selecting the track in the track list column within the midi editor window.
Or use the track selector in the midi edit toolbar.
What is the difference between opening the midi editor from the view menu and from the window menu?
Opening the midi editor via the view menu opens a docked midi editor within the edit window.
How can the score be printed?
Cmd p
What are some differences between Targeted and unTargeted MIDI editor windows?
UnTargeted midi editor windows allow multiple windows to be open.
Selection in targeted window reflects selection in edit window.
Keyboard commands apply to targeted window.
How can the midi editor window be opened?
Control =
Describe the various methods available for opening the score setup window.
Control option =
Right click on track > open score editor
Window>score editor
What is the difference between track-based real-time properties and clip-based real time properties?
Track-based affects the whole track, clip-based is applied only to specified clip(s).
How can you set which kind of staff a track is transcribed to in the score editor?
Double click on clef in staff
Right click on score editor>notation display track settings
From the track list popup menu in the score editor, select notation display track settings.
What happens to the MIDI data in a track if you edit it in the score editor?
It is changed to correspond with the score.
When can restore performance be used to undo changes made to a MIDI performance? When can’t it be used?
Allows undo of standard quantize, groove quantize, change duration, change velocity, or change pitch commands.
Restore performance cannot undo edits, cuts, pastes, or manually moved notes.
What is groove quantize? What are groove templates?
Quantizes according to a groove template.
Groove templates map the rhythmic and dynamic variations within a performance.
What is the main difference in the way notation is displayed in the score editor compared to the notation view in the midi editor?
The score editor displays pages.
What are the two views available for displaying tracks in the notes pane of the MIDI editor?
Piano roll view, notation view.
How can a clip be separated?
Cmd e
Keyboard command focus B
When recording to automatically created playlists, where does the last take reside?
In the main playlist
What are some advantages of using QuickPunch mode for recording? What are the potential disadvantages?
On the fly recording, discontinuous clips recorded in a single pass, capture all incoming material
Extra free voices required for all record-enabled tracks when in quick punch, slight pause when starting playback, playback looping unavailable
Describe three ways of enabling dynamic Transport.
Options>dynamic transport
Control cmd p
Right click on play button in transport window and select dynamic transport
Which input mode lets you monitor live input on tracks that are not record-enabled?
Input only mode
How can monitoring of all tracks be enabled?
Option cmd click on track input button
How many running punches does QuickPunch mode allow per record take?
How can a clip be moved and maintain its timing?(example - moving a playlist to the active playlist track)
Hold control while dragging or time-lock the clip (shift T)
How can monitoring of all selected tracks be enabled?
Option shift click on selected tracks’ track input button
How can certain tracks be TrackPunch enabled?
Control click on the record enable buttons of tracks.
What effect does Dynamic Transport mode have on the link timeline and edit selection setting?
Disables it
What are the different ways to rate a clip?
Right click and rate
Control option cmd then type number on the numerical keypad
To rate a part, separate selection (b in keyboard command focus) or cmd e, then rate
Can you reposition the Dynamic Transport Play Start Marker during playback?
How can you display Playlists in lanes in he Edit window?
Track view selector> playlists
How can a clip be rated?
Cmd ctrl option and then type number from 1-5
What is the primary difference between QuickPunch mode and TrackPunch mode?
Trackpunch works for individual tracks
Which button on the numerical keypad is used for QuickPunch?
How would you record automated changes to an existing MIDI performance using CC data? How is the CC data affected by the tracks automation mode?
Ensure midi merge mode is enabled, arm and record. Unaffected by automation mode.
Why might you want to route multiple outputs from an instrument plugin to different tracks?
To mix, automate, etc. ex: drum tracks
When routing a specific output from a plugin such as structure to another track, where would you assign the input for the destination track (using what selector)?
Input selector
What are some examples of multi-timbral plugins that support multiple output routing?
What are some differences between an automation playlist and a continuous controller event graph?
CC recorded as midi with clips
Can’t be recorded using mouse
Steps (automation is continuous between breakpoints)
Lower resolution and timing accuracy than automation
CC doesn’t snap back to what was recorded, unlike pro tools automation
How many stereo outputs does structure have for bussing signals to other tracks in the pro tools mixer?
32 stereo output assignments
How many stereo outputs does Strike have? How can you maximize the number of outputs available for individual drum channels?
- Route two mono channels to a stereo output and pan completely left and right.