2.1 - Cell Parts Flashcards
a structure within a
cell with a specific function
Cell Membrane (Animal Cells)
surrounds the cell and protects it.
Controls the movement of
substances into and out of the
Cell Wall (Plants)
tough outer
layer that surrounds plant cells
True or False? Organelles are also covered by
the fluid inside cells
controls the cell’s
activities, contains DNA - which has instructions for
producing other materials
Nuclear membrane/envelope
Surrounds the nucleus, Allows water and gases to
transport freely (other substances need help of a system transporter)
in the nucleus + makes ribosomes
The nuclear envelope consists of:
2 lipid bilayers that are folded together
The outer layer of the nuclear envelope is continuous with:
endoplasmic reticulum (er)
Nuclear membrane proteins are embedded in a:
lipid bilayer
build proteins, may be free floating or
attached to ER
How to ribosomes build proteins?
attach amino acids into chains
Endomembrane system
a group of interacting
organelles between the nucleus and the cell membrane
Main function of endomembrane system
destroy toxins and recycle wastes. make lipids, enzymes, and other
proteins for secretion and insertion into cell membranes
Two parts of the endomembrane system
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum, Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
Functions of Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
-makes lipids, steroids
-breaks down toxins
-releases calcium
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
covered with ribosomes, stores
proteins for later transport
How are substances made in the endoplasmic reticulum transported/stored?
what are vesicles
small, membrane
bound containers
Vacuoles (Plants)
membrane bound structures
Golgi Body
packages and transports materials produced in
the cell (enter and leave in vesicles)
Functions of Vacuoles (Plants)
-Acts as storage compartments
-Keeps cell firm by pushing
against cell walls
-Disposal site for harmful
-May contain defensive
Vacuoles (Animals)
smaller transport sacs
contain enzymes that digest other
Lysosome Functions
-Fighting Diseases
-Recycling old cell parts
-Killing the Cell
site of cellular
respiration which produces
energy (helps make ATP - energy molecule)
folds of inner
membrane, increase surface area
= more reactions
fluid in mitochondria where reactions
Mitochondria provides cells with energy by:
breaking apart larger molecules
Chloroplasts (plants)
photosynthetic organelles,
uses sunlight energy to
make sugars
Why are chloroplasts green
From chlorophyll - helps capture sunlight energy
provides cell structure, helps with
cell division, allows organelles to move
support tube made of tubulin
proteins (form scaffolding for support when needed)
Microfilament - what is it and what is it made of
(threat) structure made of actin proteins
Functions of microfilament
-Used in muscles for movement
-Help strengthen cells
Cilium and examples
microtubules used for
movement/transporting substances (ex. cilia in lungs that move mucus, paramecium)
Flagellum and example
long tail-like microtubules used
for movement (ex. sperm cells)
Pseudopods and example
limb like structures (ex. amoeba) Microtubules help cell change shape to move/engulf food