21 Additional Take-off techniques Flashcards
Purpose of increased V2?
Improved climb. A higher CLTOM
Move closer to the speed for excess thrust, closer to Vx.
V2 for heavier mass?
Drawbacks of improved climb technique?
A larger Vr is needed, may cause problems getting close to or eceeding V_TYRES.
Purpose of flex thrust take off?
Increase engine life and reliability while reducing maintence and operating costs, and reduce noise.
How is thrust reduced take off setup?
Thrust is reduced by entering a artifically high ambient temperature higher then Tref into the FMC. This fools the FMC into beliveing that conditions are hotter then they are.
This reduces the calcualted TOGA upto a maximumm of 25%.
At temperatures hotter than the flat rating cut-off, what happens to TOGA?
TOGA thrust reduces with an increase in ambient air temperature
Dangers for using flex?
- Excessive low flex thrust used
- Commence take off run from a point way down the runway.
Reduced thrust take off is not used when:
- Icy or slipery runways.
- Contaminated runways
- Anti-skid unserviceable
- reverse thrust unserviceable
- increased V2 procedure
- The PMC off.
- Windshear likly.
What is de rate thrust?
Setting a new maximum thrust value. This cannot be overridden by pushign throttles to TOGA.
Useful if you want to reduce Vmcg.
Graph showing de rate thrust?
Dry Runway?
A runway the surface of which is free of visible moisture and not contaminated within the area intended to be used.
Wet Runway?
A wet runway is defined as a runway the surface of which is covered by any visible dampness or water up to and including 3 mm deep within the area intended to be used.
Slippery Wet runway?
This is a wet runway where the surface friction characteristics of a significant portion of the runway have been determined to be degraded.
Area Intended to be Used?
The area of the runway that is part of the TORA, ASDA or LDA, as declared in the aeronautical information publication (AIP) or as notified by NOTAM.
Contaminated Runway?
A runway is contaminated when more than 25% of the runway surface area is covered by greater than 3 mm of water or its equivalent depth in slush or loose snow, or compacted snow or ice