14 Perf Class B Regs Flashcards
Where can you find information about class B operations?
Operational regulations are set out in EC regulation 859/2008 Annex III OPS1 Subpart H Commercial Air Transport Ops.
is the stall speed or the minimum steady flight speed at which the airplane is controllable.
is the stall speed or the minimum steady flight speed in the landing configuration.
is the stall speed or the minimum steady flight speed obtained in a specified configuration.
Criteria for Vso and Vs1?
V_SO and V_S1 are the stalling speeds or the minimum steady flight speeds at which the aeroplane is controllable with:
- Throttles closed.
- The propeller(s) in the take-off position.
- The aeroplane in the appropriate configuration and mass.
- The CG position which gives the highest value of V_SO and V_S1.
V_SO and V_S1 must be determined by flight tests using standard procedures.
is the 1 g stall speed at which the aeroplane can develop a lift force (normal to the flight path) equal to its weight.
is the speed at which the pilot starts to apply back pressure to initiate rotation on take-off.
is the reference landing speed. The speed of the aeroplane, in a specified configuration, at the point where it descends through the landing screen height in the determination of the landing distance for manual landings.
Requirements for Vr Low Speed MEP AC (Vso>45kt)
Must be at least the greater of 1.05Vmc or 1.10Vs1.
Requirements for Vr SEP AC (Vso>45kt)
For single engined landplanes, VR, must not be less than VS1
Requirements for V2 SEP and Low Speed MEP AC (Vso>45kt)?
The speed at 50 ft above the take-off surface must be the higher of:
- A speed that is safe for continued flight (or emergency landing, if applicable) under all reasonable expected conditions, including turbulence and a critical loss of thrust.
- 1.20 V_S1.
Night and IMC regulations for SEP?
EU OPS 1.525 states:
A single-engine aeroplane cannot be:
* Operated at night, or
* In IMC unless operating under special visual flight rules (SVFR).
Climb requirements for MEP?
Twin piston-engine aeroplanes must have a steady gradient of climb after take-off of at least 4% with:
- Take-off power on each engine.
- The landing gear extended, or retracted if retraction can be done within seven seconds.
- The wing flaps in the take-off position.
- A climb speed not less than the greater of 1.2 V_S1 and 1.1 V_MC.
EU OPS take-off climb requirements by 400ft: 1 engine Inop?
At 400 ft above the take-off surface, twin-engine aeroplanes must have a measurably positive gradient of climb with:
- The critical engine inoperative and its propeller in the minimum drag position.
- The remaining engine at take-off power.
- The landing gear retracted.
- The wing flaps in the take-off position(s).
- A climb speed equal to that achieved at 50 ft.
EU OPS take-off climb requirements by 1500ft: 1 engine Inop?
The steady gradient of climb must not be less than 0.75%, 1500 ft above the take-off surface with:
- The critical engine inoperative and its propeller in the minimum drag position.
- The remaining engine at not more than maximum continuous power.
- The landing gear retracted.
- The wing flaps retracted.
- A climb speed not less than 1.2 Vs1.
Duties of the AC operator on take off?
The operator must ensure that teh AC doesn’t exceed the maximum mass specified in the AFM.
Class B Requirements for TORA (With no stopway and/or clearway avaliable)?
A balanced field.
The gross take of distance (TOD) is multiplied by 1.25 to give TORA.
TOD x 1.25 <= TORA
Class B Requirements for TORA (With stopway and/or clearway avaliable)?
When stopway and/or clearway is available, the gross Take-Off Distance (TOD) must not exceed the shortest of the following:
- When multiplied by 1.15, the TODA (TOD × 1.15 ≤ TODA).
- When multiplied by 1.3, the ASDA (TOD × 1.3 ≤ ASDA).
Not exceed TORA
When multiplied by 1.3, not exceed ASDA
When multiplied by 1.15, not exceed TODA
Class B runway slope factors for take off?
For Class B, any runway upslope in the direction of take-off must be taken into account.
* Upslope up to 2%: The take-off distance must be increased by 5% for each 1% of upslope.
* Upslope > 2%: Corrections for runways with an upslope of more than 2% require the approval of the Authority.
* Downslope: Any advantage of runway downslope is ignored for the purpose of calculating the take-off mass and distance.
Class B effect of wind on take off?
Not more than 50% of the reported headwind component or not less than 150% of the reported tail-wind component can be factored into the take-off distance
Take off obstacle clearence requirements for SEP?
There is no obstacle clearance requirement for single-engine aircraft. In the VMC conditions required for single-engine operations, you are expected to see and avoid any obstacles after take-off. Consequently, if the engine fails, you’ll be in a better position to judge the forced landing.
Take off obstacle clearence requirements for MEP?
The operator must ensure that the take-off flight path of an aeroplane with two or more engines must either:
- Be able to climb over obstacles ‘in the way’ by a vertical margin of at least 50 ft, or
- Miss the obstacle horizontally (but not necessarily vertically) because it is deemed to be a sufficient distance from the extended centerline, to pose no hazard.
What is the NTOFP?
The Net Take-off Flight Path (NTOPF) is the vertical profile of the airplane beyond the take-off point. It determines the minimum heights to be achieved.
Requirements for a class B NTOFP?
The Class B NTOPF must clear all obstacles within the domain, vertically by 50 ft. EU regulations state that, when demonstrating compliance with this requirement, the following must be assumed:
* The take-off flight path begins at a height of 50 ft above the surface at the end of the TODA and ends at 1500 ft above the aerodrome surface.
* The aeroplane isn’t banked before it reaches 50 ft above the surface.
* The angle of bank doesn’t exceed 15° after this point.
* The critical engine fails at the point on the all-engine take-off flight path where the aeroplane enters IMC.
* The gradient of the take-off flight path from 50 ft to the assumed engine failure height is equal to the average all-engine gradient during climb and transition to the en route configuration multiplied by a factor of 0.77.
What must the gradient of the take-off flight path for both the all-engine and one-engine out situations must take account of?
- The mass of the aeroplane at the commencement of the take-off run.
- The pressure altitude of the airfield.
- The ambient temperature.
- No more than 50% of the reported headwind component and not less than 150% of the reported tailwind component.
EU Ops landing requirement? Enroute emergency landing requirments SEP?
In the event of engine failure, aicraft should be capable of reaching a place (1000ft above) in which a safe forced landing can be made.
* The AC is below the alttidue at which the RoC falls to 300fpm, with one engine operating at max continous power.
* The gradient is the gross of descent increased by a gradient of 0.5%
EU Ops landing requirement? Enroute emergency landing requirments MEP?
Operator must ensure MSA to a point over 1000ft above an aerodrome.
* Remaining engine at MCP.
* The climb and descent gradient is the gross of descent increased/decreased by a gradient of 0.5%.
* AC is assumed to be below altitude where rate of climb falls to 300fpm.
Landing Requirment: Gross to Net Saftey Factor?
Operator must ensure landing mass allows for full stop landing from 50ft above the threshold within 70% of the landing distance avaliable at destination and alternate.
- The following must be taken into account:
- The altitude of the Aerodrome
- Not more then 50% of the headwind component or not less than 150% of the tailwind compoennt.
- The runway surface condition and type of runway surface.
- The runway slope in the direction of landing.
Performance factors required for landing distance? Runway slope?
The landing distances required should be increased by 5% for each 1% of downslope. Correction factors for runways with slopes in excess of 2% need the acceptance of the Authority. There is no correction for upslope.
Performance factors required for landing distance? Surface?
Grass (on firm soil up to 20cm long) = dry distance x 1.15.
Performance factors required for landing distance? Surface?
The wet landing distance is 1.15 x dry landing distance.
Class B landing barrier speed restrictions?
According to CS 23.73, the barrier speed for a Class B reciprocating engine-powered aeroplane must not be less than the higher of:
- VMC with take-off flap configuration, or
- 1.3 VS0 (Stall speed or minimum flight speed in landing configuration).
Landing climb?
The term used to describe the climb required by an aeroplane if its attempt to land fails or is prevented. Either a go around during approach or a balked landing.
Landing climb requirements for an all engines operating Balked Landing?
The steady gradient of climb must be at least 2.5% with:
* Not more than the power or thrust that’s available eight seconds after moving the power levers from the minimum flight idle position.
* Landing gear extended.
* Wing flaps in the landing position.
* Climb speed equal to V_REF_
Landing climb requirements for one engine inop go around?
Twin-engine aircraft that can be operated in IMC must have a steady gradient of climb not less than 0.75% at an altitude of 1500 ft above the landing surface with:
- The critical engine inoperative and its propeller in the minimum drag position.
- The remaining engine at not more than maximum continuous power.
- Landing gear retracted.
- Wing flaps retracted.
- Climb speed not less than 1.2 V_S_