2018 72 Obesity in Pregnancy Flashcards
** What conditions does weight loss reduce the risk of? **
Hypertensive conditions
Fetal macrosomia
Chances of VBAC
** What BMI triggers nutritional supplements & which ones? **
BMI ≥ 30
5mg folic acid (1 month pre-conception to end of 1st trimester)
Vitamin D
Which women should have a moving & handling assessment?
All BMI ≥ 40
Some other individuals
** What advice should be given to obese pregnant women? **
Risks & minimisation
Dietetic advice
Don’t use weight loss drugs
** What risk assessments are needed in obesity in pregnancy? **
- Anaesthetic assessment for BMI ≥ 40
- Tissue viability
** What maternal medicine conditions need to be considered in obesity? **
- Gestational diabetes
- Hypertension & PET
- Mental health conditions
** What are the moderate risk factors for pre-eclampsia? **
- BMI ≥ 35
- Primiparity
- Maternal age > 40
- Family history of PET
- Multiple pregnancy
** What are the special considerations for antenatal screening in obesity? **
- Chromosomal screening less effective
- TVUS may be better than TA for NT
- Serial measurement of SFH from 24/40
- Serial growth scans for BMI ≥ 35
** When is IOL considered in obesity? **
- At term to reduce risk of CS
- Where macrosomia is suspected
** What specific interventions in labour are needed in obesity? **
- Inform anaesthetist of all class 3
- Continuous midwifery care
- Early venous access
- Active management of 3rd stage
** Which women should have suturing of the subcutaneous tissue? **
> 2cm subcutaneous fat
** What are the postnatal considerations in obesity? **
- Breastfeeding support
- Appropriate contraception
- Nutritional advice
- Follow-up if GDM
- Weight loss support
** How is pregnancy managed after bariatric surgery? **
- Minimum post-op time 12-18 months
- Identify & treat nutritional deficiency
- Consultant-led care as high risk
- Dietician referral
What are the BMI classifications?
<18.5 Underweight
18.5-25 Normal
25-30 Preobese
30-35 Obese class 1
35-40 Obese class 2
≥40 Obese class 3
What proportion of the antenatal population are a) of normal BMI, b) obese?
a) 47%
b) 21%
What maternal risks are increased with obesity in pregnancy?
- Miscarriage
- Gestational diabetes
- Pre-eclampsia
- Dysfunctional or prolonged labour
- CS
- Anaesthetic complications
- Wound infections
- Mortality
What fetal risks are associated with obesity in pregnancy?
- Congenital anomalies
- Stillbirth
- Prematurity
- Macrosomia
- Shoulder dystocia
- NICU admission
- Neonatal death
- Childhood obesity & metabolic disorder
What weight loss drugs are available, with what mechanisms of action?
- Orlistat: lipase inhibitor
- Phentermine/topiramate: reduce appetite
- Lorcaserin: 5-HT2c agonist, promotes feeling of satiety
Which fetal structural anomalies are more common in obesity?
- Neural tube defects
- Cardiovascular anomalies
- Cleft lip & palate
- Anorectal atresia
- Hydrocephaly
- Limb reduction anomalies