2016 70 Bladder Pain Syndrome Flashcards
** What is the definition of bladder pain syndrome? **
- Pain/pressure/discomfort in pelvis/bladder
- Associated with urinary Sx: frequency, urgency, nocturia, bladder filling pain
- Lasting at least 6 weeks
- With no identifiable cause
** How should bladder pain syndrome be initially assessed? **
- Hx: urinary Sx, pain, QoL
- Urine dip +/- MSU
- Physical exam
- Frequency/volume charts
** What are the differential diagnoses for bladder pain syndrome? **
- Malignancy
- Infection
- Overactive bladder
- Bladder calculi
- Bladder outlet obstruction
- Prolapse
- Endometriosis
- Radiation-induced cystitis
- Drug-induced cystitis
** What are the first-line treatments for bladder pain syndrome? **
- Analgesia
- Stress relief
- Dietary modifications
- Exercise
- Physical therapy
- Support groups
If Tx fails, refer to secondary care
** What are the 2nd line treatments for bladder pain syndrome? **
- Amitriptyline
- Cimetidine (unlicensed, antihistamine)
If Tx fails, refer to MDT, pain team +/- clinical psychologist
** What are the 3rd line treatments for bladder pain syndrome? **
1. DMSO (dimethyl sulphoxide)
2. Heparin
3. Botox
4. Lidocaine
5. Chondroitin sulphate
6. Hyaluronic acid
** What are the 4th line treatments for bladder pain syndrome? **
- Neuromodulation: posterior tibial nerve or sacral nerve stimulation
- Oral cyclosporine A
** What are the 5th line treatments for bladder pain syndrome? **
- Cystoscopy & hydrodistension
- If Hunner lesions noted or major surgery considered, refer to a tertiary centre
** What treatments are not recommended for bladder pain syndrome? **
- Long-term antibiotics
- Intravesical resiniferatoxin
- Intravesical BCG
- Intravesical PPS (pentosan polysulphate)
- High-pressure long-duration hydrodistension
- Long-term oral glucocorticoids
** What treatments for bladder pain syndrome can be used in pregnancy? **
- Oral amitriptyline
- Intravesical heparin
What is the prevalence of bladder pain syndrome?
How much more common is BPS in women than men?
What scoring systems are validated in bladder pain syndrome?
- University of Wisconsin Interstatial Cystitis scale
- O’Leary-Sant IC symptom index & IC problem index
- Pelvic pain & urgency/frequency scale
What foods & drinks can worsen bladder pain syndrome?
- Alcohol
- Citrus fruits
- Coffee
- Carbonated drinks
- Tea
- Chocolate
- Tomatoes
What surgical interventions are considered in bladder pain syndrome?
- Total cystectomy & urinary diversion
- Orthoptic Neó ladder formation
- Ileal conduit
What features should a bladder diary include?
- Hourly time
- Liquid intake (ml)
- Volume of urine passed (ml)
- Urine leaks (small, moderate, large)
- Urgency (strong, moderate, mild)