2014 66 β-thalassaemia Flashcards
What is the difference between β-thalassaemia major, intermedia & minor?
Major: >7 transfusions a year
Intermedia: ≤7 transfusions a year
Compound heterozygous
Minor: no transfusions, carriers
What is the pathophysiology in β-thalassaemia?
Reduced globin chain synthesis
Inadequate RBC Hb content
Damaged RBCs & erythroid precursors
Extravascular haemolysis
Anaemia, severity depending on zygosity
What are the effects of iron overload?
- Hepatic dysfunction
- Cardiac dysfunction:
Cardiac failure causes death in >50% - Endocrine dysfunction:
Anterior pituitary, causing delayed puberty, low bone mass & subfertility
What are the additional risks with β-thalassaemia in pregnancy?
- Cardiomyopathy
- New endocrinopathies:
Diabetes, hypothyroidism, hypoparathyroidism
What preconceptual interventions can help in β-thalassaemia?
- Aggressive iron chelation
- Pancreas: fructosamine <300 for 3m
- Thyroid: TFTs & treat
- Heart: ECG, echo & T2 MRI >20ms
- Liver: Ferriscan or T2, dry weight >7mg/g, screen for cholelithiasis
- Bone density: DEXA, vitamin D
- Red cell antibodies: ABO & full blood group genotype & antibody titres
How can β-thalassaemia cause diabetes?
- Insulin resistance
- Iron-induced islet cell insufficiency
- Genetic factors
- Autoimmunity
How does β-thalassaemia cause osteoporosis?
- Thalassaemic bone disease
- Chelation of calcium by chelation drugs
- Hypogonadism
- Vitamin D deficiency
What is the proportion of red cell alloimmunity in β-thalassaemia?
What medications should be reviewed preconceptually in β-thalassaemia?
- Discontinue iron chelators deferasirox & deferiprone 3 months before conception
- Discontinue bisphosphonates 3 months before conception
- Desferrioxamine can be used after 20/40
In what circumstances are IVF & ICSI with PGD offered in β-thalassaemia?
If both partners have haemoglobinopathies
To avoid homozygous or compound heterozygous pregnancy
Which partner conditions require genetic counselling when the mother is affected by thalassaemia?
Risks of serious haemoglobinopathy:
Hb Lepore
HbO Arab
Hb Constant Spring
(Also HbC & other variant Hb, with risk of mild to moderate disorder)
Which immunisations & antibiotics are recommended in β-thalassaemia?
- Hep B
- If splenectomy:
- pneumococcus every 5 years
- Hib b with men C
- daily pen-V, or erythromycin if pen allergic
What supplements should be recommended in β-thalassaemia?
Folic acid 5mg 3m preconceptually
How often should women with β-thalassaemia be reviewed in pregnancy?
- Monthly until 28/40
- Fortnightly after this
- Monthly fructosamine if diabetes
- Cardiac assessment at 28/40
- TFTs periodically if hypothyroid
What is the recommended schedule of scanning in β-tfalassaemia in pregnancy?
- Early scan 7-9/40
- Routine dating & anomaly scan
- Serial biometrics 4-weekly from 24/40
How should transfusions be managed in β-thalassaemia major in pregnancy?
- Aim for pretransfusion Hb of 100
- Regime usually remains stable
How should transfusions be managed in β-thalassaemia intermedia in pregnancy?
- Regular transfusions if worsening anaemia or evidence of FGR
- Targets same as major (100)
- Initial 2-3 units with top-ups if needed to reach 120
- If Hb <80 at 36/40, for 2 units at 37-38/40
What antenatal thromboprophylaxis is recommended in β-thalassaemia?
- Splenectomy or platelets >600: aspirin
- Both: aspirin + LMWH
- LMWH for all hospital admissions
How should iron chelation therapy be managed antenatally?
- Managed by haematologist
- Cardiologist for myocardial iron loading
- If high risk of cardiac decompensation: desferrioxamine 20mg/kg/day for 4-5 days/week from 20-24/40
- If liver iron >15mg/g dw, low dose desferrioxamine
How should women with β-thalassaemia be managed in labour?
- MDT involvement
- Cross-match if red cell antibodies
- IV desferrioxamine 2g over 24h throughout labour
- Continuous CTG
- Active Mx of 3rd stage
What is the postnatal care of women with β-thalassaemia?
- LMWH for 7d post-VB & 6 weeks post-CS
- Encourage breastfeeding