2011 63 APH Flashcards
What is the definition of APH?
Bleeding from or into the genital tract
From 24/40
What is the incidence of APH, a) generally, b) in preterm babies?
a) 3.5% of pregnancies
b) 20%
What are the most important causes of APH?
Placental abruption
Placenta praevia
What proportion of maternal deaths are attributable to haemorrhage a) globally, b) nationally?
a) 50%
b) 7%
What are the categorisations of levels of APH?
Minor: < 50ml
Major: 50-1000ml
Massive: > 1000ml &/or signs of shock
What are the risk factors for placental abruption?
- Previous abruption
- Pre-eclampsia
- Non-vertex presentations
- Polyhydramnios
- Advanced maternal age
- Multiparity
- Low BMI
- Assisted reproduction
- Intrauterine infection
- Abdominal trauma
- Smoking
- Drugs esp cocaine, amphetamines
What is the risk of placental abruption with a) 1 previous, b) 2 previous?
a) 4%
b) 19-25%
What are the risk factors for placenta praevia?
- Previous placenta praevia
- Previous CS(s)
- Previous TOP
- Multiparity
- Advanced maternal age > 40
- Multiple pregnancy
- Smoking
- Damaged endometrium
- Assisted reproduction
What types of endometrial damage can increase the risk of placental abruption praevia?
- Uterine scar
- Endometritis
- Curettage
- Submucisal fibroids
What proportion of placental abruptions occur in low-risk pregnancies?
What are the maternal complications of APH?
- Anaemia
- Infection
- Shock
- Renal tubular necrosis
- Consumptive coagulopathy
- Prolonged hospital stay
- Psychological sequelae
- Complications from blood transfusions
What are the fetal complications of APH?
- Hypoxia
- Prematurity
- Fetal death
How should women presenting to midwives or GP with APH be managed?
- Assess
- Stabilise
- Transfer to hospital
What is the incidence of cervical cancer in pregnancy?
7.5 in 100,000
What clinical assessment is needed in APH?
- A-E & act on maternal or fetal compromise
- History
- Abdominal palpation
- Speculum for dilation or lower genital tract cause
- VE unless placenta praevia
What blood tests should be carried out in APH?
- Kleihauer if Rh -ve to quantify FMH
- All: FBC & G&S
- Major: Cross-match (4 units), coagulation screen, U&E, LFT
What fetal investigations are indicated in APH?
- US for placenta unless praevia excluded
How long should women with APH stay in hospital?
- Spotting & stopped: home
- Heavier & ongoing: stay at least until stopped (local: 24 hours)
In APH, in what situations should steroids be offered?
- 24+0 to 34+6
- If at risk of preterm birth eg pain suggestive of uterine activity or abruption
In APH, in which circumstances should tocolysis be considered?
- Extreme preterm
- To facilitate transfer
- To allow completion of steroid course
- Not if maternal or fetal compromise
- Avoid nifedipine as can drop BP
How should antenatal care be altered following APH?
- Genital tract cause: no need
- Abruption or unexplained: reclassify as high risk, perform serial growth scans
How should delivery be timed in APH?
- Maternal or fetal compromise: EmCS
- < 37/40 & settled: don’t change
- > 37/40 consider IOL unless blood-stained show
Which women with APH need continuous CTG in labour?
- Active bleeding
- Major or recurrent minor in pregnancy
- Evidence of placental insufficiency
How should the 3rd stage be managed in APH?
- Active due to risk of PPH
- Syntometrine if no HTN
How should anti-D be given in APH?
- Give to all non-sensitised Rh -ve women, regardless of prophylaxis
- If recurrent, give at minimum 6-weekly intervals
- If > 20/40, give 500 units & test for FMH
- If > 4ml RBCs, give more
How should patients with APH on anticoagulants be managed?
- Stop LMWH & warfarin
- If ongoing treatment essential, give IV unfractionated heparin
What fluids & blood products can be used in APH?
- Crystalloid: up to 2L Hartmann’s
- Colloid: up to 1-2L whilst awaiting blood
- Blood: cross-matched, group-specific or O -ve
- FFP: 4 units (12-15ml/kg or total 1L)
* for every 6 units RBCs
* if PT or APTT > 1.5x mean control - Platelets if <50
- Cryoprecipitate if fibrinogen <1
What blood levels should be maintained in APH?
- Hb >80
- Platelets > 75
- PT & APTT < 1.5 x mean control
- Fibrinogen > 1