2016 52 PPH Flashcards
** How can risk factors for PPH be minimised? **
- Investigate & treat antenatal anaemia
- Offer prophylactic uterotonics to all women for the 3rd stage
- Uterine massage is of no benefit
- Consider IV TXA 0.5-1g
** What uterotonics should be used for 3rd stage? **
- NVB no RFs: Oxytocin 10 units IM
- CS: Oxytocin 5 units slow IV
- Increased risk with no HTN: Syntometrine
** What are the definitions of PPH? **
- Minor: 500-1000ml
- Major: >1000ml
- Massive: >2000ml or >30% blood volume
** What resuscitation measures should be employed for a minor PPH? **
- Midwife in charge, obstetrician, anaesthetist
- 14G cannula (orange, >grey)
- Bloods: G&S, FBC, clotting inc fibrinogen
- Obs: RR, HR, BP every 15 mins
- Fluids: warmed crystalloid
** What resuscitate measures should be employed for a major PPH? **
- MDT including senior staff
- Evaluate ABC
- Position flat
- Warming
- Transfuse ASAP if clinically required
- Fluids: up to 3.5L warmed clear; initially crystalloid, not hydroxyethyl starch
- Rapid warmed infusion, no filters
** What features should emergency blood have? **
- Group O
- D-negative
- K-negative
** How should FFP be transfused in PPH? **
If no haemostatic results & bleeding continuing:
1. After 4 units of RBCs
2. At a dose of 12-15ml/kg
3. Earlier if abruption, AFE, delayed detection
If known:
4. PT/APTT >1.5 x normal
5. Give >15ml/kg
** How should cryoprecipitate be used in PPH? **
To maintain fibrinogen > 2g/L
** When should platelets be transfused in PPH? **
When platelet count < 75
** What surgical methods can be used in PPH? **
- 1st line: intrauterine balloon tamponade
- Brace suture
- Hysterectomy sooner rather than later, esp for placenta accreta or uterine rupture
- Involve consultant & 2nd opinion for hysterectomy decision
** How should secondary PPH be managed? **
- Swabs: HVS & endocervical
- Abx if endometritis suspected
- Pelvis USS to exclude RPOC
- Surgical ERPC under experienced clinician
What are the 4 Ts of PPH causes?
Tone: abnormalities of uterine contraction
Tissue: retained products of conception
Trauma: genital tract injury
Thrombin: abnormalities of coagulation
What are the risk factors for PPH due to tone
- Overdistension of uterus: polyhydramnios, multiple gestation, macrosomia
- Intra-amniotic infection: fever, prolonged ROM
- Uterine distortion: rapid or prolonged labour, fibroids, placenta praevia, uterine anomalies
- Bladder distension
What are the tissue causes of PPH?
- Retained cotyledon or succenturiate lobe
- Retained blood clots
What are the risk factors for traumatic causes of PPH?
- Lacerations of cervix, vagina or perineum: OVB, precipitous delivery
- Extensions or lacerations at CS: malposition, deep engagement
- Uterine rupture: previous uterine surgery
- Uterine inversion: high parity with excessive cord traction
What are the 4 categories of abnormalities of coagulation that can cause PPH?
- Pre-existing states
- Conditions acquired in pregnancy
- Therapeutic anticoagulation
What pre-existing abnormalities of coagulation can cause PPH?
- Haemophilia A
- Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
- Von Willebrand’s disease
- History of previous PPH
What conditions acquired in pregnancy can cause PPH due to abnormal clotting?
- Gestational thrombocytopenia
- Pre-eclampsia with thrombocytopenia inc HELLP
What are the causes of DIC?
- Gestational hypertensive disorder
- In utero fetal demise
- Severe infection
- Placental abruption
- Amniotic fluid embolus
What are the thresholds for anaemia in pregnancy?
- 110 in 1st trimester
- 105 in 2nd/3rd trimester
- 100 postpartum
What impact can early cord clamping have on the neonate?
Lower blood volume, leading to
Lower birth weight
How does syntometrine compare to oxytocin in PPH prophylaxis?
- Similar efficacy oxytocin 5 or 10 units vs syntometrine
- Syntometrine increases N&V & raises blood pressure
What prostaglandins can be used in PPH management?
Carboprost IM
Misoprostol SL or other routes
Why is carbetocin often chosen for PPH prophylaxis at CS?
- Longer-acting oxytocin derivative
- Reduces need for further uterotonics