20 Muscle Flashcards
muscle pain
muscle weaken
muscular component of hert
any disease of the msucle
sudden muscle spasm
skeletal and cardiac (myoglobin present)
non striated
smooth muscle (myoglobin not present)
Skeletal muscle structure
sarcolemma (outer membrane), sarcoplasm (cytoplasm), sarcosome (mitochondria), sarcomere (contraction unit), sarcoplasmic reticulum (SER)
Transverse tubule gtransmits messages to nerves
muscle fibres connected by tendons
apart from tongue muscles
strong capillary network around fibres
Skeletal muscle function
contraction. movement along that direction of fibre
movement created at the insertion tendon point
histology Skeletal muscle
groups of cells together, fasicle surrounds it
Myofibrils in cells: nucleus on edge, myofibrils lined up, mito lined up between, t tubules very closly associated with the mitochondria
Each cell (fibre) contain many myofibrils Myofibril structure
Dark A band: thick myosin filament
Light I band: actin filaments
Slow twitch and fast twitch muscle fibres
slow: very red, built up energy, long distance endurance
fast: white, not much myoglobin. good for eyes, sprint
Cardiac muscle histology:
cardiomyocytes (communicate between gap junctions)
nucleus in cneter, lots of glycogen around, 1 or 2 nucleuses. very striped. have intercalated discs
has branches
Cardiac muscle
endocrine tissue. contains ANP granules.
made in atrium