12 Embryology Flashcards
From fertilisation to birth. What are the steps and time spans?
pre-embryonic: first 2 weeks
embryonic period: 3-8 weeks. when all the body structures are built.
fetal period: 9th week to birth. maturation and growth
How is birth calculated?
calculate from date of LMP so 38 weeks onwards +/-2 weeks
Pre-embryonic period
What happens? What are the stages?
1 Cleavage: formation of the morula
2 Compaction: formation of blastocyst
3 Implantation begins
Fertilisation (brief)
oocyte is released from the ovary and travels along the fallopian tube and is fertilised by the sperm in the ampulla. egg+sperm=ZYGOTE
What is the perfect site of implantation of the zygote?
The posterior uterine wall
Viability of oocyte?
Of sperm?
1 day
3 days
What happens in week 1 of gestation? What is the very first step? whats protecting it?
first step is mitotic division into two daughter cells. normally 30 hours after fertilisation. the two daughter cells are equal and are called blastomeres.
The coat outside the cells is called the zona pellucida. This is a glycoprotein shell that protects the zygote from further fertilisation by other sperm.
What happens in week 1 of gestation?
Whats a morula? Whats PGD?
blastomeres continue to divide but get small as confined to the shell. the clump of cells is called a morula. these cells are totipotent so can therefore have capacity to develop into any cell type.
PGD: pre-implantation genetic diagnosis. This is when a cell can be safely removed from the morula and tested for serious heritable conditions prior to transfer of the embryo into the mother.
What happens in week 1 of gestation?
Compaction what happens?
Cells are pluripotent after compaction as can become many cell types but not all.
Formation of the first cavity called the blastocyst cavity. the outercell mass is called the trophoblast and inner cell mass is called the embryoblast.
–> the blastocyst
What happens in week 1 of gestation?
the blastocyst hatches from the zona pellucida so is no longer constrained to the shell
What happens in week 1 of gestation?
Beginning of implantation. how many cells do we have at this point?
approx 100 cells. about 8 will give us the embryo and the remainder begin the development of the fetal membranes. allow the outer cell mass to make contact with the/ into endometrial lining of the uterus. its celled the conceptus
What happens in week 2 of gestation?
Differentiation into two distinct layers:
- Outer cell layer: syncytiotrophoblast (multi nucleated sheet of epithelial cells, good for transport)and cytotrophoblast (essentially stem cell layer to provide for the syn layer)
- Inner cell layer becomes the bilaminar disk: epiblast and hypoblast.
What happens in week 2 of gestation? By the end of this week?
The conceptus has implanted on the lining. the embryo has two cavities: amniotic cavity and the yolk sac. these are suspended by the connecting stalk within the supporting sac of the chorionic cavity
What happens in week 2 of gestation?
Implantation what are the benefits
It is intestitial as the uterine epithelium is breached and the conceptus implants within the uterine stroma. It establishes maternal blood flow within the placenta so the embryo has support form maternal circulation. implantation also allows the basic structural unit of materno-fetal exchange (the chorionic villus)
what are conditions linked to implantation defects?
there’s four listed
ectopic pregnancy
placenta praevia