2 Structure IDs- Head (Muscles/Ligaments) Flashcards
Lateral temporomandibular
Attachments: from zygomatic process of temporal bone to mandibular neck
Function: supports joint capsule in maintaining articulation, and helps to limit depression and retraction
Attachments: from spine of sphenoid to lingula of mandible
Function: a check ligament to prevent excessive depression
Attachments: from styloid process to angle of mandible
Function: taut during moderate opening
Attachments: from alveolar processes of the maxilla and mandible, pterygoid hamulus and pterygomandibular raphe to the buccal angle
Actions: compresses cheek
Innervation: buccal branch of the facial nerve
Depressor anguli oris
Attachments: from mandible to buccal angle
Actions: depresses buccal angle laterally
Innervation: buccal and mandibular branch of the facial nerve
Attachments: from the superficial fascia of the eyebrows to the epicranial aponeurosis
Actions: protracts scalp or elevates eyebrows and nose
Innervation: temporal branch of the facial n.
Levator labii superioris
Attachments: from the inferior orbital margin to the lateral aspect of the upper lip
Actions: raises and everts upper lip
Innervation: buccal and zygomatic branches of facial n.
Attachments: from the maxilla lateral and inferior to the nasal notch to the bridge of ala of the nose
Actions: transverse fibers compress and alar fibers widen the nasal aperature
Innervation: buccal branch of facial nerve
Orbicularis oculi
Attachments: from orbital margin and medial palpebral ligament to superficial fascia of the eyelid
Actions: a palpebral sphincter (closes eyes)
Innervation: temporal and zygomatic branches of the facial n.
Orbicularis oris
Attachments: from the angle of the mouth to the superficial fascia of upper lip
Actions: an oral sphincter (closes mouth)
Innervation: buccal and mandibular branches of facial n.
Attachments: from the lower border of the mandible to the superficial fascia of the skin of the neck overlying the clavicle
Actions: wrinkles the anterior nuchal skin
Innervations: cervical branch of the facial n.
Zygomaticus major
Attachments: from zygomatic bone to angle of the mouth
Actions: raises the buccal angle
Innervation: buccal and zygomatic branches of facial n.
Inferior oblique
Attachments: from the maxilla lateral to the nasolacrimal groove to the inferolateral, posterior aspect of sclera
Actions: elevation, abduction and extorsion of the eye
Innervation: inferior ramus of the oculomotor n.
Inferior rectus
Attachments: from the common tendinous ring to the inferior aspect of the sclera
Actions: depression, adduction and extorsion of the eye
Innervation: inferior ramus of the oculomotor n.
Levator palpebrae superioris
Attachments: from the inferior aspect to the lesser wing of the sphenoid to the tarsus and skin on the upper lid
Actions: elevation of the upper lid
Innervation: superior ramus of the oculomotor n.