2- Neuronal Polarization and Autism Flashcards
Slender cytoplasmic projections that extend beyond the leading edge of lamellipodia in migrating cells
Made of actin
Machinery used for migrating
Axon Specification Requires
Microtubules stabilization (tubulin) in shaft
Microfilament stabilization (actin) in growth cone)
Extension of axon driven by extension of actin
Provide structural support for axons
Regulate axon diameter
Cytoskeletal reorganization
No neurofilaments found in soma
Cell Extrinsic Cues
Contact mediated regulators (axon specification)
Activity dependent Ca signals
Cell Intrinsic Cues
Cytoskeleton regulators
Dendritic Spines
Actin rich protrusions from neuronal dendrites
Form postsynaptic part of excitatory synapses
Major sites of info processing and storage in brain
Characteristics of Dendritic Spines in Mature Brain
Less than 3 microm in length
Have spherical head
Head connected to dendrite by thin neck (barrier for organelles, ions)
density fo 1-10 spins/ microm of dendrite
Tuberous Sclerosis
Inactivation mutatin in TsC1 or TsC2
Too many spines
FXS- Fragile X Syndrome
Abnormal CGG repeats in FMR1 gene
Spines can’t mature
Rett Syndrome
Mutation in MECP2 gene
Spines don’t mature
Angelman Syndrome
Deletion mutation in UBE3a gene
Not enough spine
Spines don’t mature
Down Syndrome
Trisomy of chromosome 21
Not enough spines
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Persistant and severe problems in
Social relationships and early communication failure
Idiosyncratic preoccupations and restricted interests
Repetitive behaviours and motor stereotypes
Unusually sensory sensitivties
Resistant to change
Appears early during child development
Groups with pervasive developmental disorders
High Functioning Autism (Level 1)
Requires support
Difficulty initiating social interactions
Inflexible behaviour
Difficulty switching activities
Problems with organization
Austim (level 2)
Substantial support requires
Deficits with social interactions
Inflexible behaviour
Difficulty/distress with change
Repetitive behaviour
Severe Autism (level 3)
Requires very substantial support
Severe deficits with social interactions and communication
Inflexible behaviour
Extreme difficulty with coping with change
Repetitive behaviours interfere with functioning