2 - Communication and negotiation Flashcards
Explain your communication skills.
I use a number of form of communication dependant on the application and the recipient. This can be in the form of reports, drawings, schedules, presentation and photographs.
Explain how different forms of communication can be more suitable than others in different situations.
In a number of scenarios a full report may not the best use of chargeable time regarding the output. Some scenarios drawings and sketched can help the client tio understand particularly technical items and issues.
Explain a situation when a visual presentation would be beneficial to your client.
When presenting a visual reprentation of the proposed plans for a project, they can see and pose questions regarding the design. This is particularly better than a report detailing design consideration and ethos.
What type of negotiator do you believe you are?
Analysts, Accommodators, and Assertive
I try to incorporate all of the aspects into my negotiations, if I was to pick just one it would be analysts, considering all the facts before answering and proceeding
Explain some typical negotiation skills.
Analysing. The ability to analyse a situation is typically one of the first things that a good negotiator focuses on when trying to find a compromise. ... Strategizing. ... Persuasion. ... Communication. ... Teamwork. ... Distributive negotiations. ... Integrative negotiations. ... Management negotiations.
What current challenges is Covid and/or Brexit bringing to Communication & Negotiation?
Early hesitation for face to face meetings
Explain the difference between competitive and principled negotiations.
Competitive negotiations are a direct hard approach to reach your aim, Principled negotiation involves drawing on objective criteria to settle differences of opinion
How do you alter your communication style to suit your audience - give some practical examples?
I would alter my tone, use of language between a solitor and a brick layer to relay the applicable information
What did you prepare your NCI resolution meeting ?
All evidence to the claims, SOW, meeting minutes, Drawings, Contract instructions
How did you manage the negotiations at NCI House ?
Prepared for the meeting, understood what each wanted from the meeting, reviewed the available information and evidence, considered the use of tone pitch etc, recorded the outcome
Explain how different forms of communication can be more suitable than others in different situations
if it is a legal matter written always, site inspection reports for progress, talk on the phone if someone is particularly confrontational
Explain some typical negotiation skills
▪︎Preparation and collating supporting documentation
▪︎Each party gets the chance to present their case in a calm forum
▪︎Identify bargaining positions and make proposals.
▪︎Bargain on concessions and compensation to reach final proposal
▪︎Agree and confirm the deal; confirm who does what.
How do you change your style of communication and negotiation when dealing with clients, contractors and colleagues?
I act professionally in every facet of my life, My style does not alter as such but I do not necessarily need to record conversations with colleagues in writing unless it is project specific
What would you consider before delivering a technical presentation to a client team?
I have the facts, I am able to answer questions , I have sought advise and support for the limitations in my knowledge
What current challenges is Covid and/or Brexit bringing to Communication & Negotiation?
Cost of labour, cost of materials, timescales due to limited supply, unprecedent demand and lack of supply
Using an example, explain what contractual terms you have negotiated.
I have negotiated submitted cost tender prices, start date and finish sate, ability to claim for an extension of time at 21A Hermitage Park
How do you take minutes?
Make note of all attending participants, purpose of the meeting, address any business previously discussed and make notes of everything discussed in this meeting and if applicable, when the next meeting might be. These notes are then typed up and distributed accordingly.
How do you prepare for your meetings? / How do you manage meetings?
I review the previous meeting notes and also review any relevant documents such as drawings or specifications and emails so that I understand the purpose of this meeting. Consider any action points
What are the types of negotiation ?
Competitive Collaborative Compromising Accommodating Avoidance
How did you negotiate the contractors extension of time claim at 21A Hermitage Park ?
Contract highlights that the completion date is no longer achievable and why “ when it becomes apparent the works will not be completed “
Assess the claim and facts
Issue the extension formally I writing to all parties to confirm
21A Hermitage Park- how did you actually communicate the EoT to the parties of the project?
Reciced initial notification form the contractor
Assessed the claim and the reason for the claim (relevant matter - works added to the scheme uring the works on site)
Issued the notice adjusting the completion date (provided as and when it becomes reasonable apparent)
Issued using company standard form
? (written as per contract, does your company have a standard template?) usually a written letter, check the contract! Section 1.5 or 1.6 I think
What should be included in an EOT Request ?
Summary of pertinent matters
Review of dates and the affected dates
Details of the items and issued that have resulted in the claim for an extension of time
NCI House- what specific documentation did you prepare for this meeting?
Details of : Contract Meeting Variations Contract Sum Pre start meeting Consideration of what each side is trying to get out of the meeting
Why is it important that we communicate with clients clearly?
providing the service, clarification of requirements and limitations. Terms and conditions are clarified
How do you prepare for negotiations?
To ensure the time is spend on trying to reach a solution, can allow for proceeding to run smoothly, to allow for progression of the matter / dispute.
When you chair a meeting, how do you make it effective?
- Set and agenda
- Prepare for it in advance
- Be punctual for the meeting
- Take minutes of the meeting
- Give chance to everyone to speak understand body language
Q. what information do you provide at the monthly board meetings?
A. I report on programme, cost summary, health and safety, keys risks. RAG status to show project highlights in a visual form.
Q. Give me an example of how you would approach a negotiation meeting
A. I would prepare evidence before hand. Consider what each side is intending to achieve from the negotiations. Set clear ground rules from the outset.
Q. how did you evaluate the contractor responses?
A. by using a pre-agreed scoring matrix, against the clients needs and identify the most suitable in terms of the award criteria. It based on a weighting and ranking each area for e.g. Price, buildability, project risks, H&S, sustainability.
Q. you mention demolition, whats the demolition notice?
A. S80 notice. as stipulated in the 1984 building act. It must be submitted before the demolition works start. The notice will also need to be sent to adjacent building occupiers.
Q. what type of foundations were there for this building?
A. it was piled foundations.
Q. Give me an example of how you would approach a negotiation meeting
A. on tender evaluation stage I communicated clearly when scoring each contractor based on their responses to the questions. Some of my scoring needed me to explain why I gave a particularly high/low score especially when others didn’t agree with my scoring.