2 - changing places meaning and representation Flashcards
what does geographer Yi-Fu Tuan say
calls the people-place bond a ‘sense of place’
where is the lake district
- England’s largest ‘National Park’ located in Cumbria
- known for glacial ribbon lakes, rugged fell mountains and historic literary associations
demographics of the lake district
- approx 40,800 people live there
- significant historical/cultural sites within
- predominate employment is tourism, unemployment is low
- total dwellings - 22,930 but of these 67.7% owner occupied, 32.3% rented, 15% holiday/second homes
what is topophilia and topophobia
TOPOPHILIA - a strong attachment to a single place
TOPOPHOBIA - dread/adverse reaction to place
what is topophilia and topophobia
TOPOPHILIA - a strong attachment to a single place
TOPOPHOBIA - dread/adverse reaction to place
why might tourists to lake district be 98% white british
- media dominated historic images of rural britain predating migration
- lake district held to be ‘national icon’ intimidates people to feel like ‘outsiders’
- most immigrants move to urban areas so feel disconnected to rural areas
tourism in the lake district
- 17.32m visitors a year (2015)
- 25.21m tourist days (2015)
- visitors spend £1.2bn (2015)
positive impacts of tourism
- needs of tourists creates jobs
- tourists support local shops and products
- money from tourists used to converse/improve area
- services for tourists benefit local people eg public transport
- local people value/care for environment
negative impacts of tourism
- jobs in tourism often seasonal and wages low
- prices rise in shops as tourists have more money to spend
- shops cater for requirements of tourists not locals
- damage to environment eg footpath erosion
- demand for holiday homes pushes prices up
- more pollution and litter
- more traffic and parking issues
what is a representation
any means of communication by which people tell each other about places/people
contributes to production of place in people’s minds
how are place represented
- social media
- census data
- adverts/promotional material
- documentaries
- music
- education
- geospatially
- art/literature
- fictional TV programmes
difference between formal and informal representations of place
FORMAL - are objective (based on facts, data)
INFORMAL - subjective (opinion/interpretation based eg paintings)
why are media representations different to official cartography/factual records
- target audiences
- aims
- authors with different biases, perceptions, identities, attachments etc
-formal is more objective and give less biased representation of the place
why do representations matter
- can affect our decision making whether to visit, invest or extent to which we care about a place
- influences actions of investors and donors, from individual to NGO’s and international agencies
how is continuity and change demonstrated in bermondsey
- poor district during preindustrial times when area straddled the road south from rivers only crossing point and housed noxious industries inspiring Oliver Twist
- the Blitz destroyed much of the area and became focus for comprehensive renewal
- in the 1980s the LDDC began a major redevelopment programme in the area, warehouses housed commercial development creating professional jobs
what is the impact of global decisions on local place
- worldwide interdependence occurs due to nature of global economy, patterns of world trade
- in 2015, VW breached regulations concerning emissions and less people bought them so bonuses werent received and profits fell, local businesses depended on VW employees spending and affected supply firms and other services