1st Test Tutorial Personality Flashcards
is test getting consistent scores
internal consistency reliability
degree of consistency between subparts of test
(scoring high on MCQ -> scoring high on FRQ)
is test measuring what it’s supposed to measure
construct validity
is test measuring theoretical construct
convergent validity
is test related to what is should theoretically be related to
when 2 diff measures measuring same thing give similar results
- questionnaire about ethics (high ethics)
- experiment to see how many people take more than 1 candle -> expect no transgressions
discrimination validity
test not related to what it should not be related to
content validity
test measuring domain it’s supposed to be measuring
IQ test that measures all 7 types of IQ
3 biases
- response set bias
- ethnic bias
- gender bias
2 response set biases
- acquiescence response set = people more likely to agree than disagree with statement
- social desirability = people pick answer which makes them look best
Q.sort tests
self concept of own characteristics
bio measures
- EEG -> brain waves
- PET -> radioactive glucose
- fMRI -> oxygen blood levels
thematic apperception test
patient has to come up with story of pic
R.B Cattell
used statistics to group adjectives of personality
Q-data = questionnaire data
T-data = test data
L-data = life data
discovered 16 personalities
Allport’s trait
constant core portion of human
Allport’s personal disposition
person’s goals, motives nuclear quality
cardinal disposition = dispositions that heavily influence behaviour
Big 5 personality traits
- introversion/extroversion
- agreeableness
- openness
- conscientiousness = dependable
- neuroticism = emotional instability
implicit personality theory
bias that certain traits go together
Big 5 used for
career advice
Eysenck’s 3 Personalities
- introversion/extroversion
- neuroticism
- psychoticism
zero-acquaintance state
personality judgement from people we’ve never met
high consensus with all zero acquaintance observers
diff personality needs
Henry Murray
1. n Ach = need for achievement
- n Aff = need for affection
- n Pow = need for power
- n Exh = need for exhibition or expression
good health expressions
- fluid and charismatic
- outwards focused gestures
bad health expressions
- hostile
- anxious
- unexpressiveness -> Parkinson’s or stroke victims