18. Musculoskeletal tissue banking Flashcards
Dafaq is plus life?
Retrieve bone and tissue for transplant Legit bones Not barrow Real shit
What are the two donor programs at plus life?
Living donor - Hip replacement - Femoral head usually discarded ~800 per year Cadaveric Program - Donation of long bones and tendons -Donate life refferals - ~12 per year
What is the overview flowchart?
Refferal Donor screening Retrieval Testing Processing Testing Irradiation Release Distribution Implant
What does cadaveric processing entail?
Removal of extraneous muscle and CT Cut into different sizes
What is validation?
Validate equipment?
What do you use musculoskeletal grafts for?
Orthopedics - Wear - Joint replacement -Infection - Fracture -Osteosarcoma -Fusion -Tendon/ligament reconstruciton Urology Maxillo-facial
What happened with harry?
Osteosarcoma Removed shoulder joint Bone bank had replacement GG
What is bone made from?
70% inorganic (Calcium) 30 % organic (Collagen
What are the ideal properties of a bone graft?
Osteoconductive Osteoinductive Osteogenic Non-immunogenic Available Easy to use Affordable Fit for purpose Structural integrity Biologically safe Low risk of disease tranmission
What is Osteoconduciton?
Growth of bone through a scaffold
What is osteoinduction?
Active/Passive Promotion of bone formation BMPS induce Make osteoblasts from osteoprogenitor cells What is passive bone formation Induction of of bone formation due to morphology etc
What is osteogeneis?
Normal bone formation
What are the pros of an autograft?
Cost effective Osteoconductive Osteoinductive Osteogenic Non-immunogenic No risk of disease transmission
What are cons of autograft?
Donor site morbidity Availability Longer surgery Structure Suitability
What are the pros of a allografts?
Cost effective Osteoconductive Can be fit for purpose
What are cons of allografts??
Non osteogenic Limited osteoinduction
What are demineralised bone matrix?
Allograft had had mineral phase removed Tissue exposed to strong acids Variable osteoinductivity
What are pros of Demineralised Bone matrix?
Osteoconductive Osteoinductive Can be fit for purpose Can be used with carrier
What is cons of DBM?
Not osteogenic Expensive Low risk of disease transmission Structural integrity Reaction to carriers
What are biological summary of different grafts / bone treatments?
What is BMA? = Bone marrow aspirate
- Take cells from iliac cells