15. Overview of Organ and Tissue Donation Ethics and Logistics Flashcards
What is the definition of death?
Irreversible cessatoin of circulation of blood in the body of the person
Irreversible cessation of function in brain
What is % of organ donators in deaths in hospital?
1-2% of total HP deaths
What is largest donor pool?
Eye donation, corneas, sclera
1000s per year
What is donor pool for Tissue donation, skin, heart valves, bone etc
100-1000s per year
What primarily needs to happen for organi donation?
Brain death in ICU
What you gotta do in order to get donations?
Organ Offers
Tissue donation post OR
Documentation and follow up
What does notification entail?
Talk to family
Give impartial explanation
What is involved in consent?
Legal requirements
Certification of death AODR - donor consent Coroners conesnt Net of kin consent Designated officer
What is involved in EDR/Investigations?
Make sure organis are legit
Serology Testing - Viruses
Tissue Typing and Cross Matching (Immunology)
Nucleic Acid Testing
- Hepatitis testing etc
Collection of Donor info
- Cause of death
- Height and weight
- ABO / LFTs
- Hemodynamics
- Medications and fluids
- Donor screening
What is donor management / Optimisation?
Ongoing care
Look after organs
Maintain all parameters within normal limits
Proactive management
Anticipate the predictable
Consideration of family perceptions
What is organ suitability age for heart?
< 60yrs
What is organ suitability for liver?
< 80yrs
What is organ suitability for lungs?
5 < 79 yrs
What is organ suitability for pancreas?
3 < 50yrs
What is organ suitability for islet cells?
10yrs < 70yrs
What is organ suitability for kidneys?
< 80yrs
What is organ suitability for intestines?
< 50yrs
What are cold ischaemic times for Heart and lungs?
< 6hrs
What are cold iscahemic times for Liver/intestine/pancreas?
8 - 12 hrs
What are cold ischaemic times for kidneys?