16m approaches Flashcards

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16m biological approach

  • genes dna passed from adult organism to offspring and less than 1% have slightly diff form which r alleles that contribute 2 diff unique features
  • neurotransmitters messages that pass in brain via synapses (describe brief synaptic trans) e.g low levels sertaoin can cause OCD/ depression but high anxiety
  • brain diff areas diff functions e.g prefrontal cortex= complex dm
  • evolution natural selection & how helped humans in past e.g being more greedy

+ twin studies support e.g MZ 46% conc depression DZ 20% shows closer relation coz of genes= closer ability to b depressed so increases valid.. EXPLAIN HOW CA= ignores environmental factors e.g not 100% also usually raised same place so more likely
+ neurotrans real world app coz effective e.g prozac increase serotonin levels in depressed ppl resulting in them being better Basc CA better stance is for CBT alongside which is cog expl so jus say better explan CLD be
- point is its biologically reductionist ignores other factors making it incomp

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16m cog approach


- schemas as shortcuts otherwise wld be overwhelmed by inputs but can cause us to ignore deets that dont fit within schema. e.g can have negative schema coz of rejection as child etc
- internal mental processing occurs e.g percep & mem these r private processes but cog scientists study them by making inferences ab ppl minds go in2 detail ab inference based on memory
- theoretical & comp models= input then meditational process then output like comp explains behaviours e.g facial recognition. how input processed results in behaviour exhibited so environment doesnt infl behaviour

  • diff from behvaiourist /slt coz humans r not passive responders to environment but our mental processes

+ scientific methods 2 conduct data allows us to establish cause effect rsp example of millers magic 7 study & improves psych as science CA= artificial tasks
- also seen as cog reductionism coz we r more complex than comp models
+ Becks negative triad e.g self world future show how these negative schemas can lead 2 mental illnesses e.g dep so supports cog coz shows behaviour coz of internal processing
+ real life application ellis found 90% success rate REBT which stems from cog approach

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16m humanistic approach

  • free will= we have control over our own destiny e.g to reach best potential of self & self actualise
  • Maslow hierachy needs basic needs at bottom need 2 reach each lvl to move up FSLES food safety love esteem e.g + self and other regard and lastly self actualisation
  • self, congruence & conditions of worth self= need + regard from others & self unconditioned + regard= leads 2 healthy self concept & conditional positive regard e.g doing things for love causes unhealthy self conc. congruence= closer u r to self concept more congruent u r & more congruent u r more likely 2 self actualise

+ real world application e.g counselling for anxiety using person centred therapy which is v useful listening to individual
+ used in business to see how to reach needs of workers so they r motivated to work harder
+ hierarchy linked 2 economic development so hierarchy may have relevance on larger scale than individ needs & growth. e.g hagerty looked @ 88 countries + found that countries in the early stages of economic development were characterised by lower level needs (biological such as food), whereas those in advanced stages of economic development were more focussed on self-actualisation needs (focused on achievement). strength coz it demonstrates that humanistic concepts dont only help us understand the needs of an individual, but also helps understand needs of different countries and understand difference in priorities and focuses among cultures shows that the humanistic approach can be applied to the wider world but CA= ethnocentric approach so made on western pov which didnt account for this
+ free will vs determinism so more holistic + positive approach for behaviour diff to others coz suggests we r active agents for our fate CA= unrealistic dude
also can add holism approach
+ uses more qualitative data 2 account for individualistic exp e.g self actualisation CA= cannot be falsified thus unscientific approach

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16m psychodynamic


-unconcius mind= mind iceberg analogy unconcuius much deeper than what we show. freud believed everyday actions driven by unconscious mind
- id, ego,superego. id develops at birth demands instant gratification. ego= mediator between id and superego thinks ab reality & develops around 2. superego= morality principle aims to please everyone develops at 6
defense mechanisms= repression= conscious blocking but eventually comes out. denial= refuse 2 think ab pain surrounding something coz hurts displacement onto innocent party
- psychosex stages have to encounter each conflict at stage can cause issues w later development oral=0-1 mums breast. anal=1-3 poo pleasure. phallic= 3-5 pleasure in genitals males=oedipus females=penis envy. latency= 6-12 earlier conflicts repressed sexual urges r dormant. genital=12+ w puberty sexual urges come back

+ psychoanalytic therapy asking patient to jus say everything they think VIA FREE ASSOSCIATION and these thoughts had to be analysed after using interpretation. even dreams were used & thought to unveil hidden truth in unconscious. pro coz helped ppl w mental disorders give exampl & has modern approach. CA: subjective interpretation lacks internal valid
+ freud ideas laid foundation for future theories. e..g bowlby. this is coz psychody theories emphasis on how childhood behaviour influences future. bowl by maternal deprivation theory. therefore theory shld be credited on influence had on many modern theories.
+ little Hans supportive case study in depth which was evidence for oedipus complex fear of horses. boy interested in his pp mother threatened 2 cut it off if he kept playing w it so pleasure from pp repressed coz threatened at same time saw more collapse which scared him. boy didnt wanna leave home coz of fear & compared pp of horse w his own at same time boy developed conflict w father coz boy wanted to cuddle mother. fear went as boy had dreams 1 dream= he had kids w his mum and his dad was the grandad. so freud interpreted that fear of horse= fear of father which was repressed so this conflict resolved by dreaming that he had baby w his mum & father was the grandfather CA= problem is subjective and case study v specific therefore idiographic cant generalise also interpretations not accurate ALSO CANT FALISIY

  • also hard deterministic coz freud said free will was an illusion e.g repression may lead to anxiety. problem coz may blame behaviours on unconscious forces not indivudla therefore limited approach
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