16.2 Psychological Therapies Flashcards
Insight therapies
a general term referring to therapy that involves dialogue between patient and therapist for the purposes of gaining awareness and understanding of psychological problems and conflicts
Psychodynamic therapies
forms of insight therapy that emphasize the need to discover and resolve unconscious conflicts
Free association
Patients are encouraged to talk or write without censoring their thoughts in any way
Dream analysis
a method of examining the details of a dream (manifest content) in order to gain insight into the true meaning of the dream, the emotional, unconscious material that is being communicated symbolically (latent content)
occurs in therapy when the patient engages in strategies that keep unconscious thoughts or motivations that they wish to avoid from fully entering conscious awareness
whereby patients direct certain patterns or emotional experiences toward the analyst, rather than the original person involved in the experiences (e.g. their parents)
Object relations therapy
a variation of psychodynamic therapy that focuses on how early childhood experiences and emotional attachments influence later psychological functioning
Phenomenological approach
the therapist addresses the clients’ feelings and thoughts as they unfold in the present moment, rather than looking for unconscious motives or dwelling in the past
Client-centered therapy
aka person-centered therapy - focuses on individuals’’ abilities to solve their own problems and reach their full potential with the encouragement of the therapist
Behavioural therapies
attempt to directly address problem behaviours and the environmental factors that trigger them
Systematic desensitization
gradual exposure to a feared stimulus or situation is coupled with relaxation training
Virtual reality exposure (VRE)
a treatment that uses graphical displays to create an experience in which the patient seems to be immersed in an actual environment
Aversive conditioning
a behavioural technique that involves replacing a positive response to a stimulus with a negative response, typically by using punishment
Cognitive-behaviour therapy (CBT)
a form of therapy that consists of procedures such as cognitive restructuring, stress inoculation training, and exposing people to experiences they may have a tendency to avoid
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT)
a technique that combines mindfulness and meditation with standard cognitive-behavioural therapy tools
occurs when a person is able to “step back” from their normal consciousness and examine themselves more objectively, as an observer
Systems approach
an orientation that encourages therapists to see an individual’s symptoms as being influenced by many interacting systems