10.2 Infancy + Childhood Flashcards
Sensitive periods
windows of time during which exposure to a specific type of environmental stimulation is needed for normal development of a specific ability
Cognitive development
the study of changes in memory, thought, and reasoning processes that occur throughout the lifespan
fitting new info into the belief system you already possess
a creative process whereby people modify their belief structures based on experience
Sensorimotor stage
the stage spans from birth to 2 years, during which infants thinking about and exploration of the world are based on immediate sensory and motor experiences
Preoperational stage
spans from age 2-7 and is devoted to language devleopment, the use of symbols, pretend play and mastering the concept of conversation
Object permanence
the ability to understand that objects exist even when they cannot be directly perceived
the knowledge that the quantity or amount of an object is not the same as the physical arrangement and appearance of that object
Concrete operational stage
children develop sills in logical thinking and manipulating numbers
Formal operational stage
Involves the development of advanced cognitive processes such as abstract reasoning and hypothetical thinking
Core knowledge hypothesis
infants have inborn abilities for understanding some key aspects of their environment
refers to a decrease in responding with repeated exposure to an event
an increase in responsiveness with the presentation of new stimulus
Zone of proximal development
development is ideal when children attempt skills and activities that are just beyond what they can do alone, but they have guidance from adults who are attentive to their progress
a highly attentive approach to teaching in which the teacher matches guidance to the learner’s needs
the enduring emotional bond formed between individuals, intially between infants and caregivers
Strange situation test
a way of measuring infant attachment by observing how infants behave when exposed to diff experiences that involve anxiety and comfort
Attachment behavioural system
focused on meeting our own needs for security
Caregiving behavioural system
focused on meeting the needs of others
the internalization of the conditional regard of significant others
Inductive discipline
involves explaining the consequences of a child’s actions on other people, activating empathy for others feelings
the ability to recognize ones individuality - mirror recognition test
meaning that they consider only their own perspective
Theory of mind
the ability to understand that other people have thoughts, beliefs, and perspectives that may be diff own