11.3 Social and Achievement Motivation Flashcards
the point at which a person reaches their full potential as a creative, deep thinking and accepting human being
Need to belong
the motivation to maintain relationships that involve pleasant feelings such as warmth, affection, appreciation, and mutual concern for each person’s well-being
Passionate love
associated with a physical and emotional longing for the other person
Companionate love
related to tenderness, and to the affection we feel when our lives are intertwined with another person
Terror management theory
a psychological perspective asserting that the human fear of mortality motivates behaviour, particularly behaviours that preserve self-esteem and our sense of belonging
Anxiety buffers
concepts and beliefs that prevent death-related anxiety from entering our conscious mind
Cultural worldview
a belief system about how our world should work
Achievement motivation
the drive to perform at high levels and to accomplish significant goals
Approach goal
an enjoyable and pleasant incentive that a person is drawn toward, such as praise, financial reward, or a feeling of satisfaction
Avoidance goal
an attempt to avoid an unpleasant outcome such as shame, embarrassment, losing money, or feeling emotional pain
Self-determination theory
a theory that states that an individual’s ability to achieve their goals and attain psychological well-being is influenced by the degree to which they are in control of the behaviours necessary to achieve those goals
an individual’s confidence that they can plan and execute a course of action in order to solve a problem
Extrinsic motivation - performance motive
motivation geared toward gaining rewards or public recognition or avoiding embarrassment
feeling of having a little or no motivation to perform a behaviour
Intrinsic motivation - mastery motive
the process of being internally motivated to perform behaviours and overcome challenges