1.5 - UK Healthcare Flashcards
4 Key Factors To Health Care
Safe Water
health Care
A reduction in any of the key factors affecting healthcare.
UK Healthcare VS US Healthcare
UK state funded but US private and individually led
UK better for trauma Vs US better specialist trauma
Link To Lifestyle
NI - Smoking, Heavy industry
Wales - Heavy labour, Heavy drinking
England - Alcohol intake everyday
Scotland - Shortest life expectancy
UK North-South Split
LE - Highest in Dorset, Lowest in Glasgow
LE gradually increasing but more for men due to less physically demanding jobs
UK North-South Split
LE - Highest in Dorset, Lowest in Glasgow
LE gradually increasing but more for men due to less physically demanding jobs
Link To Economic Development
Liverpool - Admissions to hospital for alcohol higher
Chilterns - Lowest no. of smoking deaths
Kensington - LE Highest, Lowest cancer deaths
Eipdimeological Transiition Model
As development increases, deaths fall
Types of illnesses change
Starts with pesillence & famne then pandemics, manmade diseases, degenerative diseases