1.4.3 Boolean Algebra Flashcards
Boolean logic
A form of algebra where all values are TRUE or FALSE
NOT gate (negation)
Takes one input and reverses it
AND gate (conjunction)
Returns TRUE if both conditions are true, if not it returns FALSE
OR gate (disjunction)
Returns TRUE if either condition is true or FALSE when both conditions are false
XOR gate (exclusive disjunction)
Is TRUE when one or the other input is true but FALSE if both are
Truth Table
A method of representing every possible output based on the inputs of a Boolean expression
De Morgan’s laws
Laws used to manipulate and simplify Boolean expressions
De Morgan’s first law
—(A v B) = —A n —B
De Morgan’s second law
—(A n B) = —A v —B
A Boolean law that allows you to group variable into brackets and break brackets again
A Boolean law that makes the order of the variable not matter
A Boolean law that allows you to multiply or factor out an expression just like normal algebra
A Boolean law that’s used to reduce a complicated expression into a similar, simple one
Double negation
X = ——X
X = Not Not X
Karnaugh maps
An alternative way of simplifying Boolean expressions
Half adders
Adds together two inputs, can only add the inputs
Full adders
Is able to add two single bit numbers and an incoming carry bit. It outputs a bit and a carry
D-Type Flip Flop
A circuit or logic design which can be viewed as a memory cell