1.2.4 Types Of Programming Language Flashcards
Programming paradigm
A style or way of programming
Procedural language
Any high level language that groups sets of instructions into subroutines or functions
Assembly language
A language which is related to the computers own machine code
Machine code
Set of all possible instructions made available by the hardware design of a particular processor
Low level language
A language which is close to machine code
High level language
A language designed to help a programmer express a computer in a way that reflects the problem being solved
Little man computer
Was designed to model a very basic Von Neumann computer
Immediate addressing
Uses data in the address field as a constant that is needed by the program
Direct addressing
Uses data in the address field without alteration
Indirect addressing
Uses the address field to hold the address of a location that contains the required address
Indexed addressing
Modifies the address in the address field by the addition of a number held in the index register before the address is used
Object oriented
Looking at systems by classifying them into real world objects
Object oriented programming
Gathers together data (attributes) about an entity along with procedures and functions that act upon these data into one package called a class
A definition of an object
An instance of a class
A procedure or function residing in a class
When classes bundle together their attributes and methods
Where a new class inherits the methods and attributes of another
The class being inherited
Derived class
The class that inherits another
Where a single method takes different forms depending on the class its using