14. Managing communication Flashcards
the transfer and understanding of meaning.
Interpersonal Communication
communication between two or more people.
Organizational Communication
all the patterns, networks, and systems of communications within an organization.
Functions of Communication
- Control
- Motivation
- Emotional Expression
- Information
Nonverbal communication types
- Body Language (gestures, facial configurations, and other body movements that convey meaning)
- Verbal intonation (an emphasis givento words or phrases that conveys meaning)
Communication Barriers
- Filtering (the deliberate manipulation of information to make it appear more favorable to the receiver.)
- Information overload (occurs when information exceeds our processing capacity)
- Jargon (specialized terminology or technical language that members of a group use to communicate among themselves.)
Overcoming the Barriers
- Use feedback
- Simplify Language
- Active listening
Active listening behaviour
- Show empathy
- Show interest
- Exhibit affirmative head nods and appropiate facial expressions
- Ask questions
- Avoid distracting actions or gestures
- Paraphrase what’s been said
- Don’t interrupt
Formal communication
communication that takes place within prescribed organizational work arrangements
Informal communication
communication that is not defined by the organization’s structural hierarchy.
Town hall meeting
informal public meetings where information can be relayed, issues can be discussed, or just is a way to bring employees together to celebrate accomplishments.
Downward communication
communication that flows downward from a manager to employees.
Upward communication
communication that flows upward from employees to managers.
Lateral communication
communication that takes place among any employees on the same organizational level.
Diagonal communication
communication that cuts across work areas and organizational levels.
Communication Networks
the variety of patterns of vertical and horizontal flows of organizational communication.
the informal organizational communication network.
How to communicate effectively with customers
- Recognize the three components of the customer service delivery process:
(The customer, The service organization, The service provider) - Develop a strong service culture focused on the personalization of service to each customer. (Listen and respond to the customer, Provide access to needed service information)
Ethical communication
communication that includes all relevant information, is true in every sense, and is not deceptive in any way.
Nature and function of communication
- Communication is the transfer and understanding of meaning.
- Interpersonal communication is communication between two or more people.
- Organizational communication includes all the patterns, networks, and systems of communication within an organization.
- The functions of communication include controlling employee behavior, motivating employees, providing a release for emotional expression of feelings and fulfillment of social needs, and providing information.
The three communication networks include:
- the chain, in which communication flows according to the formal chain of command.
- the wheel, in which communication flows between a clearly identifiable and strong leader and others in a work team.
- the all-channel, in which communication flows freely among all members of a work team.
Describe how technology affects managerial communication and organizations.
- improves a manager’s ability to monitor performance.
- gives employees more complete information to make faster decisions.
- has provided employees more opportunities to collaborate and share information; and it has made it possible for people to be fully accessible, anytime anywhere.
Discuss contemporary issues in communication.
- The two main challenges of managing communication in an Internet world are the legal and security issues and the lack of personal interaction.
- Organizations can manage knowledge by making it easy for employees to communicate and share their knowledge.
- Communicating with customers is an important managerial issue because it can significantly affect a customer’s satisfaction with the service and the likelihood of being a repeat customer.
- It’s important for organizations to get input from their employees.
- Finally, a company’s communication efforts need to be ethical.