1.3 River Channel Processes and Landforms Flashcards
Abrasion or Corrasion
Wearing away of the bed and bank by the load carried by a river
Wearing away of the the load carried away by a river
Total load a stream can carry
Volume of water passing a certain point per unit of time. (Usually in cubic meters per second- cumecs)
Helicoidal flow
Corkscrewing motion responsible for the formation of meanders
Hydraulic action
Force of air and water on the sides of rivers and in cracks
Laminar flow
It is when water flows in sheets or laminae parallel to the channel bed
Particles of sediment and dissolved matter that are carried along by a river
Removal of chemical ions, especially calcium
Turbulent flow
Chaotic flow that involves eddying and vertical movement
Deep hollows scoured in the bed of a river, typically located on the outside edge of meanders
Small scale ridges formed of coarse pebbles and cobbles found half-way between meanders in the straight section of a river
River sediments when a river enters a standing body of water such as a lake, lagoon, a sea or an ocean.
Suspended load
Smallest particles like silts and clay that are carried in suspension
Larger particles that are transported in series of hops