13. Healthcare facilities Flashcards
a place, where we can obtain all kinds of healthcare
types of hospitals
general hospital
community hospital
specialist hospital
day hospital
outpatient clinic
= ambulatorium, przychodnia
a place providing day healthcare to the patients
a part of hospital designed to treat outpatients, people which obtain medical care from hospital but don’t stay
community hospital
= szpital rejonowy
it is a small, local hospital, where we can obtain basic healthcare
general hospital
treat all types of diseases, has many wards
specialist hospital
they are concerned with specific type of patients or diseases - psychiatric hospital, paediatric hospital
przychodnia rejonowa
community health center
szpital uniwersytecki
teaching hospital
takes care of people with terminal diseases
dom spokojnej starości
nursing home
ośrodek leczenia uzależnień
rehab center, it deals with addicted patients
zajmować się
deal with
be concerned with
be involve in
prywatny gabinet
private practice, private clinic
patient, who receives medical care from hospital, but does not stay for night
szpital położniczy
maternity hospital
is concerned with pregnancy and childbirth
centrum prenatalne?
antenatal centre
takes care of pregnant women before birth
gabinet lekarza rodzinnego
GP practice
spieszyć się
lekarz dyżurny
doctor on duty
przyjąć / wypisać
admitt to/ discharge
an office in a hospital, school or other institution from which medical supplies, preparations and treatments are handed out
main storage room in hospital
bulk storage room
a place to store large size objects
chirurgia ogólna
general surgery
oddział opieki pooperacyjnej
postoperative care unit
ENT unit
ears, nose and throat unit
gabinet dentystyczny
dental surgery
fill out
intensywna terapia
intensive care unit
oddział położniczy
obstetric ward
maternity ward
pregnancy assessment unit
labour unit
delivery suite
ostry dyżur, SOR
accident and emergency unit
acute assessment unit
WAP = whiplash associated disorders, whiplash injury
odgięciowy uraz kręgosłupa szyjnego
kissing disease
treatment room
a room in patient care unit, usually in hospital, in which various treatments or procedures requiring special equipment are performed, such as removing sutures, draining a hematoma, packing a wound, or performing an examination
the section in the hospital where the bodies of the deceased or cadavers are stored before being sent either to a funeral home for burial services or to the coroner;s or state medical examiner’s office, if the cause of the death is uncertain or questionable
pokój zabiegowy
treatment room
magazyn środków czystości
clean utility room
clean utility room
a room for storing sterile supplies, including infusion fluids, and for storing and preparing medicines, including controlled drugs
storage cabinet
a compartment used to stock up medical supplies and linens for future use
dirty utility room
a room used for holding waste sacks prior to their removal to a disposal hold and for the disposal of small amounts of liquid human waste
nurses station
an area where nurses and other health care staff sit behind when not working directly with patients and can perform some of their duties
any partly enclosed area where there are patients’ beds
day room
a communal living room
opatrunek klejący, plaster
adhesive dressing
is used to cover the wound
is used to lift the patient, who can’t stand on his own
are used for sewing the wounds
punkt dostępu do tlenu
oxygen point
jednorazowa strzykawka
disposable syringe
karta pacjenta
medical record = patient’s notes
is used to write down important information about patient’s health
ogrodzenie łóżka
bed rails
opaska na rękę
wrist tag