13/10/14 Flashcards
Krebs cycle end product
ATP i.e. energy NOT glucose
Rumen breaks glucose down into
c3 molecules. ++++c3 will lead to acidosis
How does Ketosis come about (with ref to c3 molecules)
Insufficient energy i.e. insufficient glucose–> insufficient c3 (broken down by rumen) therefore accumulation of acyl-CoA = FATS/KETONES
Effects of raised Ketones
Raised Ketones reduce appetite further reducing the supply of c3 molecules therefore further build up of acyl-CoA = vicious circle known as the Ketosis complex. COW’S DON’T DEVELOP KETOACIDOSIS = CATS
All cows post partum will have
+ ve ketone result = normal degree of fat mobilisation.
Ketosis complex: 2-10 weeks after calving
Ketosis complex higher risk examples
2-10 weeks after calving
Hypocalcaemia, hypomag, RFM, lameness, twin carrying cows ALL AT HIGHER RISK
Primary Ketosis vs Secondary Ketosis
Primary Ketosis: Voluntary feed intake cannot meet energy demands. Excessive breakdown of body fat and muscle. Sometimes due to specific nutrional deficiencies. aka starvation ketosis. Enough space? Stale food??
SECONDAR ketosis: Any condition that makes cow loose appetite LDA/RDA, Metritis, Mastitis
Ketosis Wasting form vs Neurological form
Wasting form: Gradual reduction in appetite, cows refuse to eat concentrates, marks loss of body weight, firm dry faces.
Neurological form: Sudden onset of abnormal behaviour; walk in circles, depreaved appetite, hyperaesthesia.
Clinical signs of Ketosis
Blood gluc = low end
Blood beta-hydroxbutyrate (BHBA)
Milk and Urine Ketone levels
Serum NEFAs can be elevated
Ketosis treatment
IV Dextrose, quick
IV Dextrose 200g slow
Corticosteroids (app stimulant) NOT IN PREGNANT!
Propylene glycol (c3 molecule precursors)
Pregnancy Toxeemia in cattle
Primarily a disease of beef cattle
Seen more in autumn calving
IF shortly before calving = agitated, incoordinated, difficulty rising, scant faces
WHEN 6 weeks before calving, depressed
Preg toxaemia in sheep presentation
Affected ewes separate from flock, apparently blind.
Constipation common and griding of teeth.
Periods of drowsiness and stargazing +- in coordination
Ewes recumbent
Diagnosis of FLS and preg tox
Blood NEFAs, glycose, liever enzymes
Milk fat > 5% Protein 5% fat
Treatment of FLSa and preg tox
As for ketosis (dextrose IV, propylene glycol?) but consider insulin, steroids, high quality feed.
Drench every 4-6 hours
Early stages could induce preg/ caesarean.
Affected flocks IMMEDIATELY placed on supplementary feeding
Defintion of Down Cow
A cow that is down for >24 hours of after unsuccessful treatment for Ca, Mg, P
Down cow problem
Primary cause may be resolved but secondary superficial nerve damage or ischemic necrosis of muscle (esp hind limb)
Compression–> anoxia–> cell damage –> inflamm –> further swelling –> poor tissue perfusion
Peroneal nerve damage
Cause hyperflexion of the fetlock (knuckled)
‘Happy’ downer or creeper cows think…
Phosphorous deficiency
Full clinical examination
Check for broken legs Check for ruptured cruciates Check for dislocated joints Check for neurological function Check uterus, pelvis and peritoneum CHECK ALL QUARTERS OF UDDER --> Check if toxic
Care of the downer cow, leg positioning
Sit cow up, sternal recumbancy.
Get the legs underneath to reduce further ischaemia due to pressure on limbs.
Rotate cow every 4-6 hours
Cow raising body on all 4 but missing force: reserved optimism, shows nerves are working
If no progress after 48 hours: euthanasia.
Down for 3 days, chances of recovery= 20%