12 Cranial Nerves Flashcards
O Number:2
Optic Number: 2
Type: Sensory
Function: Vision
O Number: 3
Oculomotor Number: 3
Type: Motor
Function: Raise eyelids, move eyes, regulate the size of pupils, focus of lenses.
T Number: 4
Trochlear Number: 4
Type: Motor
Function: Eye movements, proprioception
T Number: 5
Trigeminal Number: 5
Type: Mixed
Function: Sensations of the head and face, chewing movements, and muscle sense.
A Number: 6
Abducens Number: 6
Type: Motor
Function: Produce movements of the eyes
F Number: 7
Facial Number: 7
Type: Mixed
Function: Facial expressions, secretion of saliva, taste.
V number: 8
Vestibulocochlear Number: 8
Type: Sensory
Function: Balance or equilibrium sense. Hearing.
G Number: 9
Glossopharyngeal Number: 9
Type: Mixed
Function: Taste and other sensations of tongue, swallowing, secretion of saliva, aid in reflex control of blood pressure and respiration.
V Number: 10
Vagus Number: 10
Type: Mixed
Function: Transmit impulses to muscles associated with speech, swallowing, the heart, smooth muscles of visceral organs in the thorax, and abdomen.
A Number:11
Accessory Number:11
Type: Motor
Function: Turning movements of the head, movements of the shoulder and viscera, voice production.
H Number:12
Hypoglossal Number:12
Type: Motor
Function: Tongue movements
12 cranial nerves letters
O number 1
Olfactory Number: 1
Type: Sensory
Function: Sense of Smell
How many cervical nerves
7 vertebrae
How many thoracic nerves
How many lumber
Which of the cervical nerve doesn’t control a dermatome
How many cervical nerves
7 vertebrae
How many thoracic nerves
How many lumber
Which of the cervical nerve doesn’t control a dermatome
Nemonic for 12 cranial nerves
Oh oh oh to touch a fair virgins girl vagina and hymen