12: A Metacognitive Therapy for Anxiety Disorders: Buddhist Psychology Applied Flashcards
What has been an overlapping characteristic of both Buddhism and CBT?
Both require empirical evidence to validate their actions, as such Buddha also encouraged his followers to reflect and contextualise within their own xp (Sameet Kumar (2002) )
How is metacognition defined by Flavell + Ross (1981)?
beliefs and attitudes held about cognition (e.g.,
cognition about cognition
How is metacognition defined by Allen + Armour-Thomas (1991) + Kluwe (1982)?
an active and reflective process that is directed at one’s own cognitive activity
How has metacognition been defined by Yussen (1985)?
cognitive activity for which other cognitive activities are the object of reflection (i.e., thinking about thinking).
According to Slife (1987), without metacognition what would you lack awareness of?
any other cognition, such as thoughts, feelings, and memories, would be impossible.
What is considered to be the role of the client’s distorted beliefs about their own anxiety-related cognition in metacognitive treatment model for anxiety disorders?
- highly important in the maintenance of the anxiety disorder
How do both buddhist psychology + metacognitive theory distinguish between adaptive/ corrective metacognition VS maladaptive/ erroneous metacognition?
The degree to which a statement about cognitive experience is valid
- Anxiety related metacognition tend to be highly exaggerated, catastrophic + inaccurate of what actuality + ordinary
(in a range of human xp that is typically common)
What is the definition of cognition used in this article?
- those subjective experiences that one can know or become aware of
- includes all mental or psychological states of
which one can be conscious
What is the difference between cognition and awareness?
awareness = ability of the human mind to distinguish cognition (e.g., feeling or thinking) from cognizing (e.g., to know that one is feeling or thinking).
What is the difference between perceptual + conceptual cognition (Komito, 1987)?
Perceptual cognition = way that events in the external environment + within our own body actually present to our awareness
Conceptual cognition = thoughts, feelings, memories,
sensations, and so on that almost immediately + inseparably arise or co-emerge with the perceptual cognition
- can be merely descriptive, analytic or evaluative
When is metacognition = awareness according to Buddhism theory and why?
When metacognition is without distortion/ bias so accurate because…
- within buddhist perspective, metacognition are conceptual cognitions that have other perceptual and conceptual cognitions
Define anxiety in this article anxiety
- a subjective experience consisting of several types of cognitive events (such as thoughts, sensations, images, feelings, and memories)
- apprehensive fear unifies this diversity
of cognitive events into an experience of anxiety is the
What are the 2 broad categories clinical anxiety disorders can be classified into?
- Fear of cognitions that have their source ostensibly in the external environment
- agoraphobia, social
phobia, specific phobia - Fear of cognitions that have their source ostensibly in the internal environment
- obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-tramnatic stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, acute stress disorder
How do individuals in both category respond to their anxiety disorder?
- exaggerated + maladaptive to something that is known to be harmless
- can elicit aversive reaction in an effort to escape/ avoid the fear via modification of social relationships etc
- restricting behavioural choices
- adopting rituals to eliminate highly aversive discursive thoughts
- substance abuse
What is the aim of CBT for anxiety disorders?
- to explicitly modity anxiety-specific metacognitions through actual exposure to the feared cognitions
- combined with a critical examination of the attendant cognitive processes (e.g.,
catastrophization) - Successful treatment usually results in
a reappraisal of feared cognitions