111 TESTING Flashcards
State the purpose of a testing program?
NAVEDTRA 132 pg 1-2
To ensure a quality testing process is implemented to effectively assess the trainee’s achievement of learning objectives
State the roles and responsibilities of the following for an effective testing program:Naval Education Training Command (NETC)
Testing policy and guidance
State the roles and responsibilities of the following for an effective testing program:NETC N7
Testing policy and guidance oversight and monitors compliance by Centers.
State the roles and responsibilities of the following for an effective testing programLearning Center Commanding Officer
Serves as CCA; manages Sites, DET; resolves difference, incorporates TYCOM test banks, as
State the roles and responsibilities of the following for an effective testing program Learning Center Director of Training
Ensures testing program(s) are conducted, oversees development of testing plans
State the roles and responsibilities of the following for an effective testing program Learning Center Learning Standards Officer
Provides guidance to curriculum developers on testing, monitors Total Quality Indicators (TQI)
and test item analysis and remediation programs.
State the roles and responsibilities of the following for an effective testing programCourse Curriculum Model Manager (CCMM)
Approves test design, maintains master test item bank
State the roles and responsibilities of the following for an effective testing programCurriculum developer
Designs and develops the testing plan, admin guides, and the tests
State the roles and responsibilities of the following for an effective testing programLearning Site Commanding Officer/Officer-in-charge
Implements testing plan, designates Testing Officer(s), designates the course supervisor
State the roles and responsibilities of the following for an effective testing programLearning Site Testing Officer
Test administration, oversees grading, secures tests, maintains test bank(s),
coordinates/manages revisions, conducts IS training
State the roles and responsibilities of the following for an effective testing programCourse Supervisor
Ensures, monitors, and validates admin, security, and test item analysis.
State the roles and responsibilities of the following for an effective testing programParticipating Activities
Provides comments, feedback, new test items and maintains test and test item analysis data.
State the primary course source data for creating test items
NAVEDTRA 132 pg 3-4
List usable course source data to be used when the primary course source data is not available or has not been created
NAVEDTRA 132 pg 3-4
If JDTA data is not available then curriculum developers will bridge the absence of JDTA data using data elements from a combination of: Occupational Standards (OCCSTDs), CTTL, PPP
Table, and a COI
Define the following tests- Formal
Test is graded and is used in the calculation of the trainee’s final grade
Define the following tests:Informal
May or may not be graded – regardless, the grade will not be used in the calculation of the
trainee’s final grade
For the below items, define the three levels of proficiency levels contained within each:Skill
Level 1: Imitation
Level 2: Repetition
Level 3: Habit
For the below items, define the three levels of proficiency levels contained within each:Knowledge
Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension
Level 2: Application/Analysis
Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation