1.11-1.15 ✔️ Flashcards
Showdown between President Andrew Jackson and the South Carolina legislature, which declared the 1832 tariff null and void in the state and threatened secession if the federal gov tried to collect duties. It was resolved by a compromise negotiated by Henry Clay in 1833.
Nullification Crisis
Acquisition of Louisiana territory from France. Purchase more than doubled the territory of the US, opening vast tracts for settlement.
Louisiana purchase
The right to vote
A movement started by Andrew Jackson that stressed Universal manhood suffrage, public education in West, cheap newspapers, majority rule, and abolition of debtor prisons.
Mass Democracy
Voters were required to be holding some amount of property. This stopped poor from voting.
Property qualifications
All adult male citizens are allowed to vote, regardless of income, property ownership, or religion
Universal male suffrage
Alleged deal between presidential candidates John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay to throw the election, to be decided by the house of Representatives, in Adam’s favor. Though never proven, the accusation became the rallying cry for supporters of Andrew Jackson, who had actually garnered a plurality of the popular vote in 1824
Corrupt bargain of 1824
Limited government, state rights; party of common people; supported slavery; support in north, south and west; supported Native removal; opposed national bank
Democrats Led by Andrew Jackson
A group that believed in a stronger national gov; advocated for the American System; appealed to business and industrial interests; commercial farmers and southern plantation owners; support North, south and west; No strong stance of slavery, but believed slavery shouldn’t spread to new territories; opposed Native removal; supported the National Bank
National Republicans→Whigs
Led by Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams
Whigs VS Democrats - Whigs led by John Quincy Adams, Democrats led by Jackson
Second Party System
The first president to use the spoils system, appealed to the common man, was uneducated and part of the military. Also first president to campaign.
Andrew Jackson
Batte between president Andrew Jackson and congressional supporters of the bank of the US over the bank’s renewal. Jackson vetoed the bank bill, arguing that the bank favored moneyed interests at the expense of western farmers.
Bank War (1832)
The policy of rewarding political supporters with public office, first widely employed at the federal level by Andrew Jackson. This was widely abused by unscrupulous office seekers, but also helped cement party loyalty in the emerging two-party system.
Spoils System
Henry Clay’s three-pronged system to promote American Industry. Clay advocated a strong banking system, a protective tariff, and a federally funded transportation network.
American System
Missouri got added as a slave state whereas Maine got added as a free state.
Missouri Compromise