110.02 Safety Limits Flashcards
- 110.02 Safety Limits*
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LIST and EXPLAIN the general types of reactor protection provided at your plant.
Well trained operators - the most important
Indications and alarms - provide operator valuable information
Inherent safety features (design):
- Negative FTC
- Negative MTC
- Negative Void Coefficient
Reactor protection system - Nuclear flux, PZR, RCS Temp & Flow, S/G trips
- 110.02 Safety Limits*
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What are the nuclear flux trips as part of the Reactor Protection System?
- Source Range Hi Flux - power excursion from a subcritical condition
- Intermediate and Power Range Hi Flux Low Setpoint - power excursion from a subcritical or low power condition
- Power Range Hi Flux Hi Setpoint - power excursion from an at power condition
- Power Range Hi Positive Rate - rod ejection accident.
- 110.02 Safety Limits*
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What are the pressurizer trips and as part of the Reactor Protection System?
- Low Pressure - Protects against DNB
- High Pressure - Protects the integrity of the RCS
- High Level - Prevents water relief through the pressurizer safeties
- 110.02 Safety Limits*
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What are the RCS temperature trips as part of the Reactor Protection System?
- Overpower ΔT - Protects fuel integrity by limiting kw/ft produced in the core
- Overtemperature ΔT - Provides protection against DNB
- 110.02 Safety Limits*
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What are the RCS flow trips as part of the Reactor Protection System?
- Low Flow - Provides protection against DNB
- RCP Bus Undervoltage and Underfrequency - Anticipatory low flow trip to protect against DNB
- 110.02 Safety Limits*
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What are the steam generator trips as part of the Reactor Protection System?
•S/G Low Level - Ensure an adequate heat sink for the reactor
- 110.02 Safety Limits*
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STATE and EXPLAIN the two safety limits at the South Texas Project as stated in the Technical Specification.
Reactor Core
- 1.1 The combination of THERMAL POWER, pressurizer pressure, and the highest operating loop coolant temperature Tavg) shall not exceed the limits shown in the Core Operating Limits Report.
- 1.1.1 In MODES 1 and 2, the departure from nucleate boiling ratio (DNBR) shall be maintained >1.17 for the WRB-1 DNB correlation and >1.14 for the WRB-2M DNB correlation.
- 1.1.2 In MODES 1 and 2, the peak fuel centerline temperature shall be maintained < 5080°F, decreasing by 58 °F per 10,000 MWD/MTU of burnup.
Reactor Coolant System Pressure
2.1.2 The Reactor Coolant System pressure shall not exceed 2735 psig.
- 110.02 Safety Limits*
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DRAW a basic diagram of the Safety Limit Curve, including flow, pressure, temperature, and power.
- 110.02 Safety Limits*
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Explain the basis for the shapes of the safety limits curve.
Green slope for bulk boiling, red for DNB.