110: Operations Flashcards
Describe the mission of ASW
Anti Submarine Warfare
goal is to deny the enemy the effective use of its submarine
Describe the mission of SW
Surface Warfare
goal is to deny the enemy effective use of its surface warships and cargo-carrying vessels
Describe the mission of IW
Information Warfare
goal is to achieve information superiority over the adversary through influence and defense
Describe the mission of AW
Air Warfare
goal is to destroy or reduce the enemy’s air and missile threat
Describe the mission of STW
Strike Warfare
destruction or neutralization of enemy land-based targets with conventional or nuclear missiles; AKA Fire Controlmen
Describe the mission of NSW
Special Warfare
distinguished by unique objectives, weapons, and forces and is carried out by special mobile operations, unconventional warfare, coastal and river interdiction, beach and coastal reconnaissance, and tactical intelligence operations
Explain how the Reserve Component integrates with the Active Component
the mission of the reserve component is to provide trained units and qualified persons available for active duty in the armed forces, in time of war or national emergency, and at such other times as the national security may require
Explain the purpose of a mobile detachment
provide direct/indirect support to an operational entity to further enhance or support that entity’s operational or administrative capability
Discuss the primary services provided by the Mine Warfare UUV Platoon
removes divers and maritime mammals from the dangers and extreme hazards of Mine Countermeasure Warfare and replaces them with Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) that can perform this function
Discuss the primary services provided by the Naval Oceanography ASW Team (NOAT)
provides integral support ASW by taking model output and turning it into tactically relevant information that helps warfighters decide where and how to best use their sensors
Discuss the primary services provided by the Strike Group Oceanography Team (SGOT)
provides meteorological and oceanographic support to NSW operations, aircraft carriers and amphibious ships
Discuss the primary services provided by the Mobile Environment Team (MET)
primary users of the Navy’s mobile equipment assets; have their own portable sensing/display equipment, polar-orbiting satellite ingest/processing, and expendable bathy probes
Discuss the primary services provided by the Fleet Survey Team (FST)
perform near-shore surveys to collect data which aids in the safe navigation of US forces and supplies traversing the area
Discuss the IO Core Capabilities
PSYOP (Psychological Operations)
MILDEC (Military Deception)
OPSEC (Operational Security)
EW (Electronic Warfare)
CNO (Computer Network Operations)
together, they provide the JFC with the principal means of influencing an adversary and other target audiences by enabling the joint forces freedom of operation in the information environment
Define the role of the US Navy Blue and Red teams
Blue Team defends Navy information systems by maintaining its security posture
Red Team is authorized/organized to emulate a potential adversary’s attack or exploitation capabilities against Navy information systems to then increase the security posture
Explain the purpose of FES
Fleet Electronic Support
responsible for the installation, removal, maintenance, and repair of electronic equipment on surface and subsurface components
Explain the difference between the following documents:
a. USC Title 10
b. USC Title 50
Title 10 provides the legal basis for the roles, missions, and organization of each of the services and the DoD in general
Title 50 outlines the role of war and national defense (how we defend the US)
Critical Intelligence Comms
fastest message to POTUS and the National Security Council sent within 10 mins concerning possible treats to US national security
State the purpose of CCOP
Cryptologic Carry On Program
government furnished software and COTS hardware scaled to rapidly deploy on various platforms
State the purpose of NITES
Navy Integrated Tactical Environmental Subsystem
portable system used by METs to enhance automated capabilities to provide METOC support at remote locations
State the purpose of JDISS
Joint Deployable Intelligence Support System
provides hardware and software capabilities that allow connectivity and interoperability with intelligence systems that support forces
Discuss Maritime Domain Awareness
the effective understanding of anything associated with the maritime domain that could impact the security, safety, economy, or environment
State the purpose of a MOC
Maritime Operations Center
streamlines the operational cycle and provides a structure for quickly and effectively establishing support for operational level maritime commander; delegated bt the commander
Identify the function and examples of Air Search RADAR
used to search the air for signs of craft
function: detection and accurate determination of range and bearing for objects; maintain an 360 degree search pattern for all objects within LOS distance from the RADAR antenna
example: AN/SPS-48E, SPS-49, SPS-40
Identify the function and examples of Surface Search RADAR
used to search the Earth’s surface for signs of land and air based craft
function: detection and accurate determination of range and bearing for surface objects; maintain a 360 degree search pattern for all objects within LOS distance from the RADAR antenna
examples: AN/SPS-126 is the surface search RADAR for the patrol version of the P-3 Orion
Identify the function and examples of Fire Control RADAR
used to search, track, and provide inputs to a fire control system
modern antennae have built in ability to perform both air search and fire control through the use of a sleeping phased array antennae
Explain the difference between OPELINT and TECHELINT
Operational Electronic Intelligence is concerned with information such as location, movement, employment, tactics, and activity of foreign non-comms emitters and their associated weapon systems
Technical Electronic Intelligence is concerned with aspects of non-comms emitters such as signal characteristics, modes, functions, associations, capabilities, limitations, vulnerabilities and technology levels.
Describe the core components of an IW professional
Having adept knowledge and applying proper utilization of the 5 IO core capabilities to influence and corrupt targeted enemy systems while protecting our own
Describe why loyalty and intellect are essential to military operations
Being loyal ties to the fundamental goal of all military operations: protect our assets. We cannot protect something we are not loyal to when the enemy is actively trying to infiltrate us. Having intellect simply means knowing our job and being able to efficiently solve problems. These two things together–when practiced by every military person– will lead to a successful operation.