11 Microbial Diversity - Bacterial Flashcards
Bacterial taxonomy
Classical (phenotypic)
cell morphology / metabolic activity / staining / pathogenicity / nutritional needs
Molecular taxonomy
Genotypic - DNA based (C-G content) / 16S rNA sequencing for prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea) / 18S rNA sequencing for eukaryotes / metagenomics of the whole sample / no reliance on culture
Studying microbial diversity (2)
- Phylogenetic - evolutionary lineages / 16S rRNA sequencing / multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) of housekeeping genes / whole genome sequencing
- Functional - presence or absence of genes involves in specific pathways or functional mechanisms (Eg. Resistance genes, metabolic pathways, virulence factors)
Functional and phylogenic correlation
Function and phylogenic correculate do often correlate but not always —> reasons for this include gene loss / convergent evolution / horizontal gene transfer
Functional diversity (3)
Physiological - metabolism and biochemistry
Morphological - appearance
Ecological - organisms relationship with environemnt and what other organisms occupy the same niche
Microbial habitats
5° to 120°C —> thermophiles and psychrophiles / salinity - halophiles / pH (acid and alkali) / pressure - barophiles)
Diversity of bacteria
Bacterial phyla - largest taxon of prokaryote domain (55 listen in LPSN) / more identified based on 16S rRNA sequencing from heterogenous samples / 90% of those characterised are only from 4 phyla
Harsh environments bacteria can live in
hot springs / sulphur pools / thermal ocean vents / underground oil reservoirs
Proteobacteria (Pseudomonadata) classes
6 classes
Alpha / beta / gamma / delta / epsilon / zeta
Bacteria impact on global nutrient cycle
Recycling of nutrients - breakdown
Without bacteria, nutrients cant be recycled into soil due to slower rates of degradation, so trees and plants have less nutrients to absorb (more competitive), lower rates of plant growth