10 Sexual Selection Flashcards
Behaviour beneficial to others but costly to self
Hamiltons rule - fitness benefits can be gained (3)
- Directly through producing and raising own offspring
- Indirectly through helping to raise offspring related individuals (kin selection)
- Total fitness (inclusive fitness) = direct fitness + indirect fitness
Adaptive phenotypic plasticity
Property of a given genotype to produce different phenotypes depending on the different environmental conditions, thereby enhancing organisms life
Contains same genes but different expression of the genes, tailored to enhance survival For the environment encountered
Genetic systems that produce adaptive epigenetic variation
Ultimate plasticity (2)
- Brain system alter behaviour to maximise survival prospects
- Behaviour and learning —> associative learning (spotting patterns) / insight learning (experimental play to solve problems)
Natural selection
Adaptation to a constant challenge - favouring mutations that increase survival in the environemt
Also - adaptation to varying challenges - favouring mutations that alter gene expression to produce phenotypes that fit current status of a variable environment
What may selection cause
Complex cognition - learning and complex behaviour to maximise fitness in changing worlds
How is natural selection good?
Natural selection works on natural genetic and variations, and with constraints:
- Population size limits efficient of selection
- Poor fitness of intermediate form
- Next form not genetically pure
Efficacy of selection
- Evolution can proceed by genetic drift or selection
- Magnitude of drift it depends on population size
= large changes in small population size
Does complex design imply a designer?
Irreducible complexity - not necessarily rejected by particular case studies in which natural selection is a good explanation (is it confirmed when we can’t explain them?)
When does selection occur
variation in the phenotype / some of this variation is heritable / the phenotype is associated with the ability to secure mates
THEN the next generation will be biased towards individuals with higher ability to secure mates
Where sexual selection occurs the outcome varies by sex (females)
fewer potential offspring / invest more in outcome of each (fitness defined by mate quality / choosy about potential mates)
Not universal - different where males show parental care
Where sexual selection occurs the outcome varies by sex (males)
many potential offspring / invest little in each (fitness defined by mate quantity not quality / compete for access)
Not universal - different where males show parental care
Sexual selection criteria (females and males)
Females - Intersexual (choose makes based on phenotype)
Males - Intrasexual (compete for access for females) (where sexual selection is strong the males die young)
Post copulatory sexual selection definition
Where females mate with more than one male, she has sperm from more than one male in reproductive tract - sperm competition
Post copulatory sexual selection adaptations
Co-operative sperm behaviour