11-217V1 Ch6 Flashcards
What is a NOTAM?
An unclassified notice containing info about an aeronautical facility, services, or hazards
What are cold weather corrections?
4 feet per thousand feet per ever degree of Celsius
If not covered by DINS how will you know and where can you get NOTAM info from?
Plain language notice in red font on the website. You’ll have to contact the airfield manager or FSS.
Where can you find NOTAM abbreviations?
Where can you get weather from?
Military airfields: Operational Weather Squadrons (OWS)
Civil Airfield’s: OWS, or FSS by 1-800 WX-BRIEF
Where can you find current cold weather altimeter correction procedure?
How do you adjust altitudes for cold weather corrections?
1) . Add to published DA/MDAs and step downs inside the FAF whenever OAT<0 deg C
2) . Add to all altitudes in mountainous areas whenever OAT<0 deg C
3) . Add to all altitudes when OAT<=30 deg C or HAT/HAA are 3000’ or more above altimeter setting source
What must you be aware of when flying in higher latitude regions?
Navigation may be based upon grid or true north, not magnetic north
What should you check for FMS and RNAV procedures for navigation where true or grid north reference is required?
Aircraft flight manual and MAJCOM directives.
What should you do for navigation in higher latitude areas?
1) . Set true north as a heading reference
2) . If you can’t set true north for a VOR/TACAN the course does not require magnetic correction. The bearing needle will be displaced from the course arrow by the magnetic variation.
3) . For a NDB, magnetic correction must be applied if you can’t set true north
How often should you update magnetic correction?
At least every 5 deg of magnetic variation or every 30 min whichever occurs first
If a published minimum altitude is not available on a chart how should aircrews determine their min altitudes?
Must determine them themselves in accordance with the 11-202V3
In uncontrolled airspace how do you determine what altitudes to fly at?
You must fly at the altitudes to ensure obstacle clearance during all phases of flight.
What should you do in case of radio failure along the route?
Comply with published radio failure procedures in the FIH
What is aircraft approach category based on?
1.3 times the stalling speed.