11-217V1 Ch11 Flashcards
What are the two kinds of low altitude approaches?
1) course reversals
2) procedure tracks
Unless ATC clears you otherwise how’re you expected to fly the approach?
Fly to the IAF and execute the full instrument approach procedure as published
When is radar required?
When approaches depict only a final approach segment starting at the FAF
When cleared the approach, maintain the last assigned altitude until what?
Until established on a segment of the published IAP
Prior to the initial approach fix, slow to what speed?
Aircraft maneuvering or, if not specified, holding airspeed
What are the two types of course reversals?
1) procedure turn
When do you not execute a procedure turn or HILO PT?
- St in
- NoPT routing
- Established in holding, cleared approach and holding course and PT course are the same
- Radar vectors to final
- Timed approach
How can you tell a procedure turn on a plate?
A barb indicating the maneuvering side
Procedure turns may safely be flown up to what speed? What is FAA maximum recommended airspeed?
250 KIAS; 200 KIAS
What are three common methods for executing a procedure turn?
Holding technique
When flying the outbound leg what must you do?
Adjust the outbound leg length to remain within protected airspace (remain within distance). And allow time for config and a descent
What do you do for approaches where no FAF is depicted?
The FAF is now considered to be the point when you begin your descent from the procedure turn completion altitude
When do you begin timing for a holding method PT?
If heading is within 90 deg of outbound procedure turn course, may use normal lead points to intercept the PT course outbound.
If do a teardrop entry, must be within 30 deg.
If intercept PT course outbound maintain this for the remainder of the outbound leg then turn to maneuvering side to reverse course
When do you begin timing for a holding method PT?
Outbound abeam the PT fix unless if you cannot determine abeam start timing upon completing outbound turn
When can you descend from the PT fix altitude?
Outbound and abeam (or wings level outbound if cannot determine outbound)
When can you descend from the PT completion altitude?
When established on the inbound segment of the approach
When can you descend from a 45/180 or 80/260 PT?
Outbound abeam on a parallel or intercept heading
How do you execute a 45/180?
Turn 45 deg away from outbound track toward maneuvering side. Begin timing when start turn (1 min for Cat A and B and 1:15 for Cat C and above) and then begin 180 deg turn in opposite direction to intercept inbound course
How do you execute a 80/260?
Make 80 deg turn away from the outbound track toward maneuvering side followed by an immediate 260 in other direction to intercept inbound course
How do you know it’s a HILO PT?
The holding pattern track is depicted with a heavy black line
If cleared for the approach while holding in a published HILO PT, what should you do?
Complete the holding pattern and commence the approach without making any additional turns.
How do you fly a procedure track?
When over the IAF turn immediately in the shorter direction to intercept the published track. Conform to specific ground track. If heading within 90 deg of procedure track course, use normal lead points—otherwise overfly the fix and turn in the shorter direction to intercept the procedure track course
When can you descend from a procedure track ?
1) . When descent depicted at the IAF, abeam or past IAF and on a parallel or intercept heading to procedural track course
2) . When teardrop depicted, do not descend from turn altitude until established on inbound segment of procedural track
If an altitude restriction is depicted at a fix defined as an inter a radial and an arc, by when must you comply with the altitude restriction?
NLT completion of the lead turn associated with that fix
When dealing with arc-radial and arc-localizer altitude restrictions when are you considered established on the next segment of the approach?
Once a lead point is reached and the turn to the next segment begun.
What is a TAA?
Terminal Areival Area, it is used for some RNAV (GPS) approaches
How is a “Basic T” designed?
1-3 IAFs, an intermediate fix, a FAF and MAP. Forms a T shape, initial segment 3-6 NM long normally, intermediate 5-7 NM long, final segment 5 NM
What are the three standard TAA areas?
1) . Straight-in
2) . Left base
3) . Right base
What does a feeder route do?
It is established to provide a transition from the en route structure to the appropriate IAF. It terminates at the TAA boundary
When can a pilot descend with regards to a TAA?
To TAA altitude after crossing the TAA boundary and cleared by ATC