10 - Leadership + Program Assessment Flashcards
What is leadership?
It is the social exchange between leaders and followers based on a shared vision or goal
Define leadership style
It is how an individual within an organization influences and facilitates actions to contribute to the achievement of an organization’s purpose/vision
What are some characteristics of a leader?
They are great communicators
Can goal set
Are visionaries
Are resilient
Are role models (lead by example)
What is community leadership?
They are often leaders that take responsibility for the well-being and improvement of their communities. They are often self-appointed.
What are qualities of a community leader?
1.) Integrity
2.) Courage
3.) Commitment
4.) Ability to care about others
5.) Creativity and flexibility
What is an Autocratic leader?
- They are leaders that have CONCENTRATED power at the top where the leader makes all the decisions.
- Limited communication with followers or the organization as a whole (one-way communication)
- Often maintains authority by force, intimidation, threats, reward and punishment, or position
- Not concerned about achieving agreement with the organization
What are the effects on an organization with an autocratic leadership?
- They often invoke fear and mistrust
- Others in the organization tend to distrust others’ ideas and motives
- Communication tends to go in only one direction.
What are the effects on an organization with a managerial leadership?
- The staff members don’t have to worry about ambiguity
- Fosters friendly relationships with and among staff to help organization run better
What is a managerial style of leadership?
- Concerned primarily with the running of the organization
- They pay attention to forming and maintaining relationships with and among staff members
- Their main focus is strengthening the organization’s systems and infrastructure and ensuring day-to-day operations go well
- Limited vision and actions focus on maintaining the status quo
What is a democratic style of leadership?
- It understands that there is no organization without its people
- They communicate with others in the organization based on their responsibilities
- Consults others in decision-making
- Values others’ opinions but recognizes the ultimate responsibility for decision-making
What are the effects on the organization in a democratic leadership style?
-It emphasizes equal status and encourages friendships and good relationships throughout the organization.
- It helps people feel valued when their opinions are solicited, and even more so if those opinions are incorporated into a final decision or policy
What is a collaborative leadership style?
- Attempts to involve everyone in the organization in leadership
- Initiates discussion, identifies problems or issues that need to be addressed and keeps track of the organization as a whole
- Decisions are made through a collaborative process of discussion to achieve either a majority or consensus agreement
What are the effects on the organization of a collaborative leadership style?
- Ensures that members of the organization buy into its vision and decisions since they are directly involved in creating them
What is a servant leader?
They are leaders that ensure the needs of others are served first.
What are multiplier in leadership styles?
They utilize the intelligence of people in a team to help grow the team.
What are some of the characteristics of a multiplier leadership style?
1.) Attracts and optimizes the talents of an individual
2.) Requires best thinking practices
3.) Extends challenges
4.) Debates decisions
5.) Instill accountability
What are the positive and negatives of being in a leadership role?
- More control in the process of decision making.
- Advocating a position
- A role model
- Have this level of expertise and knowledge base
- More autonomy to make decisions
What are the negatives of being in a leadership role?
- Subject to criticism
- More accountable
- More demanding of our time
- External challenges as a leader
What are the external challenges of leadership?
1.) Issues as lack of funding and resources in an organization
2.) Opposition from forces in the community
3.) Interpersonal problems within the organization
4.) Social, economic, and political forces in the larger can affect the organization as well.
What are the internal challenges of leadership?
1.) Fear
2.) Lack of confidence
3.) Impatience
4.) Intolerance
What are the challenges arising from leadership itself?
- They have great demands on people; one person often takes the largest part of the burden of an organization
- Challenges to motivate people in an organization
- Preventing the organization from stagnating when it’s progressing and doing well.
What are the 3 interacting elements of leadership?
1.) Leader
2.) Follower
3.) Situation
What are the 4 numerous leadership styles that can be applied in the healthcare field?
1.) Laissez-faire
2.) Transactional
3.) Transformational
4.) Authentic
What is laissez-faire leaderships?
- They are a subtype of the passive-avoidant leadership style
- Leaders have a hands-off approach and allow others the freedom to work with minimal interference of direction
What is transactional leadership?
- They are an achievement-oriented leadership style that is task-focused
- believes employees/peers are motivated by rewards and punishments
- Provides clear roles, goals, and task requirements
What is transformational leadership?
- Focused on the relationships between the leaders and employees and improving their work-related experiences
What are the 4 components of a transformational leadership?
1.) Idealized influence
2.) Inspirational motivation
3.) Intellectual stimulation
4.) Individualized consideration
What is distributed leadership?
- It is leadership practices that are shared.
- It highlights importance of social and relational capabilities in health care.
What are the 2 types of distributed leadership?
1.) Collective distributed leadership
2.) Co-performing distributed leadership
What is collective distributed leadership?
It is leadership that is dispersed among many teams or organizational members
What is co-performing distributed leadership?
It is leadership with SPECIFIC units of people collaborating in terms of plans, decisions and actions
Which stage of the model (Dental Hygiene Process of care model) involves the collection of information and data? (ADPIE)
A for Assessment
What is an assessment?
- It is a routine, systematic collection, and analysis of data regarding the health of the community
- Involves:
conducing needs assessment, including statistics on health status and trends.
What is surveillance?
It is the continual collection of data on health outcomes, risk factors and intervention strategies for the whole population or representative samples of a population
What is the purpose of a community assessment?
- It is to identify factors that affect oral health
- To determine the availability of resources and interventions
What is an assets-oriented approach?
It is looking at the strengths that exist in a community. It is looking at the positive outlook of things
E.g: existing funding, workforce, materials and facilities.
What is a deficiency-based approach?
It is the focus on what you don’t have/limits to. What problems exist/difficult to look at the big picture
What occurs briefly in the Phase 1 of the assessment process ?
The formation of community partnerships between agencies and organizations to collaborate (includes interdisciplinary collaboration with a community)
The intent to have champions during the assessment process to provide input, data, representation and broaden the scope of approaches of the assessment
What is empowerment?
It is the involvement of inclusion, taking control and making decisions that are affecting them, more likely to mobilize, and give them the right tools and knowledge to make better decisions.
What is the mechanism for community mobilization?
Active involvement (input and dialogue) - the procedures that allow for feedback
What is an advisory committee?
They are responsible to plan and conduct the needs assessment. They are responsible for including a cross-section of partners/stakeholders from the community.
What is in phase 2 of the assessment process?
It is the concept of conducting a self-assessment:
- to identify goals and purposes of the community assessment
- to understand why the community is conducting an assessment
- define what the community hopes to achieve
- to determine what will be gained from a needs assessment process
What is in phase 3 of the assessment process?
Where we design and organize the needs assessment. It is a comprehensive health assessment involving different types, sources and levels of information/evidence
Works in conjunction with Phase 2 as it guides what information to collect and how to gather the information.
What is in the phase 4 of the assessment process?
It is obtaining existing data from multiple sources such as:
- government agencies/private and nonprofit organizations
- local reports, literature reviews, magazines
- previous assessments that been conducted in the community
types of data can be quantitative or qualitative
Use of either primary or secondary data
What is involved in phase 5 of the assessment process?
It involves analyzing and validating the data interpretations:
1.) Organizing all data by topic
2.) Critique each data source (limitations or any errors/potential biases)
3.) Synthesize and summarize findings
4.) Compare with other data
5.) Any significance to the data? does the information truly reflect that a problem exists in the community?
What is involved in phase 6 of the assessment process?
- Involves actually prioritizing the issues: influenced in part by resources/actively involving community partners in this process
- Decide where to target the resources
- raise awareness of what the public wants to see as important
-increase public’s understanding of the oral health issue - Share with government officials. community based dental clinics, community leaders about the oral health issue
What is involved in phase 7 of the assessment process?
- To determine if the goals of the needs assessment were met.
Questions asked in this phase are:
-are there any improvements that can be made to the needs assessment process for the future?
- Did problems arise in the assessment process that should be addressed in future assessments?
What is summative evaluation?
Summary at the end - lessons learned for future health assessments, loops back to phase 2 and continuous assessment piece to help improve assessment
What is formative evaluation?
It is throughout assessment, ongoing, systematically looking at the program.