(1) ATM - PSR Identification Flashcards
What is Identification? (1)
The situation which exists when the position indication of a particular aircraft is seen on a situation display and is positively identified (ICAO)
What is a Radar Map? (1)
Information superimposed on a situation display to provide ready identification of selected features
What is video Mapping? (1)
The electronic superimposing of a map or plan on a situation display
what are the 3 types of PSR identification methods? (3)
- The Turn Method
- Departing Aircraft Method
- Position Report Method
What is the Turn method? (3)
- Ascertain the aircraft’s heading
- Observe the aircraft’s track for a period of time
- Correlate the observed movement of a particular Position Indication with an acknowledged execution of an instruction to alter heading by at least 30 degrees
Turn method 1 diagrams
Turn method 2 diagram
What should an ATCO consider before instructing an aircraft to turn for ID purposes? (5)
- Terrain
- PSR coverage
- Other surveillance returns
- Rules of the Air
- Proximity of Controlled airspace boundary
Turn method Caution diagram
What is the Departing aircraft method? (2)
- Identification is achieved by observing and correlating the Position Indication of a departing aircraft to a known airborne time
- Identification is to be achieved within 1nm of the end of the runway used
What cautions should an ATCO consider with the departing aircraft method? (4)
- Aircraft overflying the airfield
- Aircraft making a Missed Approach
- Aircraft departing from an adjacent runway
- Aircraft holding overhead the airfield
What is the Position reporting method? (4)
- Correlate a particular radar position indication with an aircraft reporting its position over, or as bearing and distance
- Ascertaining that the track of the particular radar position is consistent with the aircraft path or reported heading
- Can be achieved by correlating a particular Position Indication with a report from the aircraft over one of two defined types of position or navigational fix
- Identification must follow a period of track observation in which the Position Indication correlates with the pilot’s reported route
What is meant by the term “a point”? (2)
- A geographical point suitable for the purposes of identification
- Normally defined by reference to a radio Nav aid or aids
What 2 types can be a point of reference for a position report? (2)
- Exact reporting point
- VRP or other geographical location
Position reporting method 1 - part 1 diagram
A position established by a navigational facility, which is:
- Overhead a VOR or NDB
- A notified fix defined by VOR radials or a VOR radial and a bearing from an NDB
- A position defined by a VOR radial and a range from a co-located DM
Position reporting method 1 - part 2 diagram
At a particular distance and on a particular radial from a co-located VOR/DME or TACAN
Position reporting method 2 diagram
- Over a notified visual reference point or prominent geographical feature, in either case approved for the purpose and displayed on the situation display
- ATS authority may prescribe additional conditions
What cautions should an ATCO consider with the position reporting method? (2)
- Use an alternative method if there is any doubt concerning the identification
- The appropriate ATS authority may prescribe conditions for the application of these methods
How can mis-identification happen? (4)
- Incorrect assumptions concerning identity
- Identification procedures not correctly applied
- Turn Method - two aircraft make co-incident turns
- Pilot makes inaccurate position report which coincides with position of another aircraft
How may an ATCO act upon mis-identification? (5)
- Instruct to resume own navigation
- Climb aircraft to safe level if necessary
- Provide vertical separation from other aircraft and pass essential traffic information
- Continue to search for aircraft (Use equipment aids)
- Cancel any descent clearance and advise pilot to climb back to original level
A pilot shall be advised whenever identification is lost. True or False?